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하버드 법대  존 마크 램세이어(John Mark Ramseyer) 교수가 3월 출간될 'International Review of Law and Economics'에 실릴 논문 '태평양 전쟁에서 성관계 계약(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War)'에서 한인 위안부를 매춘부라 주장해 파문이 일고 있다. 이에 하버드대 한인 유학생들이 규탄하고, 네티즌이 청원에 나섰다. 


하버드 한인 학생들 램세이어 교수 규탄



Harvard Law School professor advocating war crimes of sexual slavery?

In 2021, Ramseyer emerged at the center of controversy over an article published in the International Review of Law and Economics contradicting the testimony of the comfort women forced into sexual slavery in the Japanese Empire. Ramseyer asserted that "they chose prostitution over those alternative opportunities because they believed prostitution offered them a better outcome."

Carter J. Eckert, Professor of Korean History at Harvard University, criticized Ramseyer's article as “woefully deficient, empirically, historically, and morally.”[

