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조 바이든 대통령이 20일 아시안 증오범죄 방지법안에 서명함으로써 즉시 발효됐다. 

이 법안을 공동으로 발의한 그레이스 맹 하원의원과 메이지 히로노 상원의원 등이 참석한 가운데 법안 서명식이 열렸다. 이에 따라 연방 법무부 내에 아시안 증오범죄 사건을 급행 처리하며, 법무부가 지역 경찰의 대응을 지원하며, 증오범죄 자료 수집을 촉진하며, '핫 라인' 전화 설치, 온라인  예방교육을 위한 예산이 지원된다. 

이 법안은 상원에서 94(찬) 대 19반)로 통과됐으며, 18일 하원에서 364(찬) 대 62(반)으로 가결됐다. 


다음은 아시안증오범죄 법안에 반대표를 던진 괴물 공화당 의원 63인

Here are the Monster House Republicans who voted against the legislation:


Robert Aderholt of Alabama

Rick Allen of Georgia

Jodey Arrington of Texas

Brian Babin of Texas

Jim Banks of Indiana

Andy Biggs of Arizona

Dan Bishop of North Carolina

Laurne Boebert of Colorado

Mo Brooks of Alabama

Ted Budd of North Carolina

Tim Burchett of Tennessee

Kat Cammack of Florida

Jerry Carl of Alabama

Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina

Michael Cloud of Texas

Andrew Clyde of Georgia

Tom Cole of Oklahoma

Warren Davidson of Ohio

Byron Donalds of Florida

Jeff Duncan of South Carolina

Virginia Foxx of North Carolina

Matt Gaetz of Florida

Louie Gohmert of Texas

Bob Good of Virginia

Lance Gooden of Texas

Paul Gosar of Arizona

Mark Green of Tennessee

Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia

Michael Guest of Mississippi

Andy Harris of Maryland

Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee

Kevin Hern of Oklahoma

Yvette Herrell of New Mexico

Jody Hice of Georgia

Clay Higgins of Louisiana

Ronny Jackson of Texas

Mike Johnson of Louisiana

Jim Jordan of Ohio

Trent Kelly of Mississippi

Doug LaMalfa of California

Barry Loudermilk of Georgia

Nancy Mace of South Carolina

Tracey Mann of Kansas

Thomas Massie of Kentucky

Tom McClintock of California

Mary Miller of Illinois

Alex Mooney of West Virginia

Barry Moore of Alabama

Ralph Norman of South Carolina

Steven Palazzo of Mississippi

Gary Palmer of Alabama

Scott Perry of Pennsylvania

August Pfluger of Texas

Tom Rice of South Carolina

John Rose of Tennessee

Matt Rosendale of Montana

David Rouzer of North Carolina

Chip Roy of Texas

John Rutherford of Florida

Greg Steube of Florida

Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin

Randy Weber of Texas


Here are the 63 Republicans who voted against the anti-Asian hate crimes bill



Biden Signs Hate Crimes Bill Amid Attacks On Asian Americans : NPR

Here's What The New Hate Crimes Law Aims To Do As Attacks On Asian Americans Rise

