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아마존 제프 베조스 전부인 맥킨지 스캇 27억4천만 달러 기부

재즈엣링컨센터, 할렘 스튜디오뮤지엄, 차이니즈아메리칸뮤지엄 등 수혜



MacKenzie Scott


아마존닷컴 제프 베조스(Jeff Bezos, 57)의 전부인 맥킨지 스캇(MacKenzie Scott, 51)이 27억4천만 달러를 기부한다. 기부금은 미 286개 단체에 배부될 예정이다. 


이번 기부금의 수혜단체로는 뉴욕의 아폴로시어터(할렘)을 비롯, 차이니즈아메리칸뮤지엄, 엘 무세오 델 바리오, 앨빈에일리아메리칸 댄스 시어터, 아시안아메리칸연맹, 발레 히스패니코, 모타운뮤지엄(디트로이트), 그외 흑인 단체, 아시안아메리칸 단체, 아메리칸 인디언 단체, 라틴계 단체, 이슬람 옹호단체, 인종평등 단체, 대학교, 여성단체 등이 선정됐다. https://mackenzie-scott.medium.com/seeding-by-ceding-ea6de642bf




2019년 제프 베조스와 결혼생활 25년에 종지부를 찍은 맥킨지 스캇은 올해 시애틀 화학교사와 결혼했다.


1970년 샌프란시스코에서 태어난 맥킨지 스캇 터틀은 6살 때부터 소설을 썼다. 첫 작품은 142페이지짜리 '책벌레(The Book Worm)'였는데, 홍수로 파기됐다. 커네티컷주 레이크빌의 호치키스교 졸업 후 프린스턴대에서 영문학을 전공했다. 재학 시절 노벨문학상 수상작가 토니 모리슨에게 문예창작을 사사했으며, 모리슨의 소설 '재즈(Jazz)'의 조사원으로 일했다.   


1993년 뉴욕의 헤지펀드회사 D.E. 쇼에 지원했다가 부회장이던 제프 베조스의 면접을 보게된다. 그해 결혼해 시애틀로 이주 이듬해엔 아마존을 창업했고, 맥킨지는 첫 직원이었다




맥킨지 베조스 이름으로 낸 두권의 소설.


2005년 10년 걸려 쓴 데뷔 소설 'The Testing of Luther Albright'을 출판해 로 미도서상을 수상했다. 2013년엔 두번째 소설 '함정(Traps)'를 냈다.


2019년 바람난 아마존 창업자 제프 베조스와 이혼했으며, 위자료는 미 사상 최대인 680억 달러로 추정됐다. 스캇은 최근 시애틀 사립학교 화학교사(댄 즈웻)과 재혼했다. 베조스와의 사이에는 중국에서 입양한 딸을 비롯 4자녀가 있다.  포브스지에 따르면, 맥킨지 스캇의 자산은 아마존 주식 덕으로 600억 달러에 이른다. 



맥킨지 스캇 기부금 수혜단체


317 Main Community Music Center

A Place Called Home 

ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities


Achieving the Dream

ACT Grants


Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh Fund

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund

African Leadership Group

Afrika Tikkun

Alaska Native Heritage Center

Allied Media Projects

Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Alternate ROOTS

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Amarillo College

American Indian College Fund

American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC)

Amref Health Africa

APIA Scholars

Apollo Theater

Art for Justice Fund

Arts Administrators of Color Network

Arts for Healing and Justice Network

Arts Forward Fund

Arts Midwest

Ashé Cultural Arts Center

Ashoka Innovators for the Public

Asian American Federation

Asian American LEAD

Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy

Asian Pacific Community FundAsian Pacific Fund 

Atlanta Music Project 

Authors League Fund 

AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development) 

Ballet Hispánico

Big Thought

Black Ensemble Theater

Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD)


Borealis Philanthropy

Black Led Movement Fund

Communities Transforming Policing Fund

Disability Inclusion Fund

Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund

Racial Equity in Journalism Fund

Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund

Racial Equity to Accelerate Change Fund

Spark Justice Fund

Brazosport College

Broward College

Building Movement Project

CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities

Cal Poly Pomona

California State University Channel Islands

California State University, Fullerton

California State University, Northridge


Center for Asian American Media

Center for Cultural Innovation

Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)

Center for Evaluation Innovation

Center of Life


Chaffey Community College

CHANGE Philanthropy

Charity Navigator

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

Chicago’s Cultural Treasures

Child in Need Institute (CINI)

Children’s Defense Fund

Chinatown Community Development Center

Chinese for Affirmative Action

Co-Impact Gender Fund

Collage Dance Collective

College of the Desert

Common Counsel Foundation

Common Future

Community MusicWorks

CompassPoint Nonprofit Services

Constellations Culture Change Fund

CUNY Hostos Community College

Dance Theatre of Harlem

David’s Harp

Decolonizing Wealth Project

Digital Green

Donors of Color Network


Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation

Dream a Dream

East Bay Fund for Artists

East West Players

El Museo del Barrio

El Paso Community College

Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

Equal Measure

Equitable Evaluation Initiative

Equity in the Center

Esperanza Peace and Justice Center

Excelencia in Education

Exponent Philanthropy 

Faith in Action

Faith in Public Life

Filantropía Puerto Rico

Firelight Media

First Peoples Fund

Flamboyan Arts Fund

Florida International University

Fondo Semillas

Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants COVID-19 Funds


Fund for Shared Insight

Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Girls First Fund





Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

GreenLight Fund

Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center


Homeboy Industries

Hyde Square Task Force

IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts


Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN)

Institute for Transformative Technologies

Interaction Institute for Social Change

International African American Museum

Jan Sahas

Japanese American National Museum

Jazz at Lincoln Center

Junebug Productions


Kennedy-King College



L.A. Arts Endowment Fund

Lee College

Leeway Foundation

Lever for Change

Long Beach City College

Los Cenzontles Cultural Arts Academy

Lwala Community Alliance

Magic Bus

Maine Expansion Arts Fund

Mama Foundation for the Arts

Management Leadership for Tomorrow

Mann Deshi Foundation


Memphis Music Initiative

MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership

Metro IAF

Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund

Mexic-Arte Museum

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

Mid-America Arts Alliance

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Mosaic Network and Fund 

Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit


Motown Museum

Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico

Museum of Chinese in America

Muslim Advocates



National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures

National Center for Family Philanthropy

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

National Council of Nonprofits

National Equity Project

National Museum of Mexican Art

Native Americans in Philanthropy

Native Arts & Cultures Foundation

NDN Collective

Neighborhood Funders Group

Neutral Zone

New City Kids

New England Foundation for the Arts

New Profit



Odessa College

Oregon Arts and Culture Recovery Fund

OutRight Action International

PA’I Foundation

Partners In HealthPasadena City College

PEAK Grantmaking

PEN America Writers’ Emergency Fund


Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity

Pillars Fund

Piramal Swasthya

Play On Philly

Porterville College

Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)


Project Evident

Project Row Houses

Race Forward


Renaissance Youth Center

Renton Technical College

Repair the World

Repairers of the Breach

Results for America

Rise Up

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Rockwood Leadership Institute

Room to Read

Roosevelt Institute

RYSE Center

San Antonio College

San Francisco Community Health Center

San Jacinto Community College

Sanku — Project Healthy Children

Santa Barbara City College

Save The Music Foundation

Self Help Graphics & Art

Service Year AllianceShining

Hope for Communities (SHOFCO)

Sins Invalid

Sipp Culture

SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action)

Social Finance

Solidaire Network

Souls Grown Deep

South Arts

Southwest Folklife Alliance

Southwest Texas Junior College

Sphinx Organization

Spy Hop

TechSoup Global

The Antara Foundation

The BOMA Project

The Bridgespan Group

The Center for Cultural Power

The Door

The Education Trust

The Freedom Fund

The Greenlining Institute

The International Association of Blacks in Dance

The Laundromat Project

The Management Center

The Nonprofit Quarterly

The Studio Museum in Harlem

The Theater Offensive

The Urban Institute

The Village of Arts and Humanities

The/Nudge Foundation

Third Sector

Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation


Triangle Project

Ubuntu Pathways

United Philanthropy Forum

United States Artists

Unity Productions Foundation

University of California, Merced

University of Central Florida

University of Illinois Chicago

University of Texas at San Antonio

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Urban Bush Women

Urban Word NYC


MacKenzie Scott Gives Away Another $2.74 Billion Even as Her Wealth Grows


  • sukie 2021.06.18 21:11
    맥킨지 스캇의 숭고한 정신에 존경을 보냅니다. 아무리 돈이 많아도 내면이 아름답지 않으면 남을 배려하는 행동은 나오질 않습니다. 맥킨지 여사는 이웃과 불우한 사람들을 항상 생각하며 행동에 옮기는 삶을 살기에 우리 모두에게 귀감이 됩니다. 맥킨지 여사같은 분이 있기에 더 나은 세상이 되가고 있음을 확신합니다.
    고등학교 화학선생과 재혼을 해서 행복하게 사신다니 좋아요. 하나님의 은총이 가득히 내리기를 기원합니다.