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뉴욕의 전기, 가스, 난방 공급 회사 콘에디슨이 코로나 팬데믹으로 침체된 뉴욕시의 문화행사를 지원한다. 콘에디슨은 40여개의 야외 전시, 공연, 축제에 80만 달러를 제공한다. 프로그램명은 'Arts Al Fresco' Series.


About the Series

Con Edison is a longstanding partner for the arts community in New York City and Westchester, both of which were hard-hit by COVID-19. As New York sets on a path to recovery, the arts sector is going to be key in its revitalization. Con Edison is providing over $800,000 in support of free and safe events to the public through outdoor arts experiences, from grand stages to pocket parks in communities of all kinds across the company’s service territory.



Con Edison to give $800,000 in funding for NYC artists as part of Art El Fresco program

