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뉴욕 매거진이 올 가을 뉴욕에서 볼만한 미술전 10을 소개했다.

여성과 추상화@휘트니뮤지엄, 재스퍼 존스@휘트니뮤지엄, 뉴뮤지엄 트리엔날레, MoMA PS1의 Greater NY...


1. Labyrinth of Forms: Women and Abstraction, 1930–1950 @Whitney Museum of American Art, opens October 9

2. Jasper Johns: Mind/Mirror @Whitney Museum of American Art, opens September 29

3. Ways of Seeing: Three Takes on the Jack Shear Drawing Collection @The Drawing Center, opens October 2

4. Greater New York @MoMA PS1, opens October 7

5. Before Yesterday We Could Fly: An Afrofuturist Period Room @Metropolitan Museum of Art, opens November 5

6. Bronx Calling: The Fifth AIM Biennial @Bronx Museum of the Arts, opens October 20

7. 2021 Triennial: Soft Water Hard Stone @New Museum, opens October 28

8. Jennifer Packer: The Eye Is Not Satisfied With Seeing @Whitney Museum of American Art, opens October 30

9. Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw @MoMA, opens November 28

10. Etel Adnan: Light’s New Measure @Guggenheim Museum, opens October 8


10 Best New Art Shows to See in NYC in Fall 2021 

