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뉴욕시가 오는 12월 31일까지 부스터 숏을 접종하는 뉴요커들에게 100달러 보상 보너스를 지급한다. 

이와 함께 코로나 테스트 장소를 늘릴 예정이다. 뉴욕시는 최근까지 테스트 장소를 112곳 지정했었다.  조 바이든 대통령은 21일 연방정부 차원에서 뉴욕을 필두로 테스트 장소를 확충하며, 백신 접종 장소를 1만개 증가할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 


New Yorkers can get $100, free tickets, memberships, or gifts for getting vaccinated against COVID-19. These giveaways will be available for a limited time. Get your COVID-19 vaccine today!

$100 for COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

If you get your vaccine booster dose between December 21, 2021 and December 31,2021 at a New York City-run vaccine location or through the City's in-home vaccination program you will be eligible to receive a $100 pre-paid debit card. Within 5 days of completing your booster dose, a virtual debit card will be sent to the email you provided when making an appointment or registering as a walk-up. If you do not have a valid email on file a physical card will be mailed to the mailing address on file. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery of the physical card.

