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링컨센터필름소사이어티 프로그래머 데니스 림(Dennis Lim)이 홍상수 감독의 영화 '극장전(Tale of Cinem, 2005)'를 집중 분석한 평론서 '테일 오브 시네마(Tale of Cinema)'를 오는 8월 출간한다. 한편, 링컨센터에선 홍상수 감독 동시상영 회고전 'The Hong Sangsoo Multiverse: A Retrospective of Double Features'이 4월 8일부터 17일, 5월 4일부터 10일까지 2회에 걸쳐 열린다. 



Tale of Cinema by Dennis Lim

Fireflies Press/ August 2022/ 216 Pages


Pre-sale and subscription copies will be mailed out in April, to coincide with the New York retrospective of Hong’s films, hosted by Film at Lincoln Center. The book will be available for sale during the second part of the retrospective (May 4-10) and will then be released in bookstores worldwide in August.


In the fourth title of our Decadent Editions series, Dennis Lim explores the oeuvre of South Korean auteur Hong Sangsoo via his 2005 film.


‘With Hong Sangsoo less is more. Less time to shoot, fewer explanations, fewer people on set – more inspiration, more cinema. Working with him (twice) counts among my most rewarding experiences as an actress. Every day was a miracle. Camera movements, frames, dialogues, costumes – Dennis Lim’s brilliant book shows us that, with Hong, it is about getting to what’s essential. Poetry, humour, emotion.’ Isabelle Huppert


‘To discuss the entirety of Hong Sangsoo’s oeuvre, which spans some thirty titles, Dennis Lim decided to focus on one. Lim loves and knows Hong’s work thoroughly, and the film he chose is the crystal in which all the others are reflected. Here is the best gateway into the Hong multiverse.’ Ryûsuke Hamaguchi


‘Dennis Lim deconstructs one by one the usual tropes assigned to Hong’s mise en scène and illuminates other paths to think anew about a filmmaker who stays in constant and elusive movement. Tale of Cinema is both insightful and humorous, a pleasure to read, and a wicked invitation to keep on deciphering Hong Sangsoo’s irreconcilable geometries of love and friendship.’ Matías Piñeiro 



About the film

Forty minutes in, we realise we’ve been watching a film within the film. The ‘real’ characters leave the cinema and find themselves reenacting what they just saw, as a chance encounter invites a suicide pact. Is it life imitating art, or the other way around?


About the author

Dennis Lim is a writer and film curator in New York City. Since 2013 he has been the director of programming at the Film Society of Lincoln Center, where he also serves on the selection committee for the New York Film Festival, as co-chair of the New Directors/New Films programming committee, and as co-organizer of annual and recurring programs including Art of the Real, Print Screen, and Projections.


He was the film editor of The Village Voice from 2000 to 2006 and a frequent contributor to The New York Times from 2006 to 2013. He edited The Village Voice Film Guide: 50 Years of Movies From Classics to Cult Hits (John Wiley, 2006) and has written on film and culture for The Los Angeles Times, Artforum, and Cinema Scope, among other publications. He has taught in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University and the Cultural Reporting and Criticism graduate program at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. His book on David Lynch, The Man From Another Place, part of James Atlas’s Icons series, was published in 2015 by New Harvest.



*홍상수 영화는 왜 나를 슬프게 하나: 지금은맞고그때는틀리다

