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아트넷이 제 59회 베니스 비엔날레(4/23-11/27)의 베스트 국가관 9곳을 소개했다. 한국관을 비롯 라트비아, 이탈리아, 덴마크, 폴란드, 스코틀랜드, 벨기에, 프랑스, 홍콩 등이다. 한국관은 대표작가 김윤철씨의 '나선(Gyre)'이 전시 중이다. 


-Italy: Gian Maria Tosatti, “History of the Night and the Fate of Comets” curated by Eugenio Viola 

-Latvia: Skuja Braden, “Selling Water by the River,” curated by Solvita Krese and Andra Silapētere

-Korea: Yunchul Kim, “Gyre,” curated by Jungyeon Park, Kahee Jeong and Catherine (Hyun Seo) Chiang

-Denmark: Uffe Isolotto, “We Walked the Earth,” curated by Jacob Lillemose

-Poland: Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, “Re-enchanting the World,” curated by Joanna Warsza and  Wojciech Szymański

-Scotland: Alberta Whittle, “deep dive (pause) uncoiling memory,” curated by Creative Scotland

-Belgium: Francis Alÿs, “The Nature of the Game,” curated by Hilde Teerlinck

-France: Zineb Sedira, “Dreams Have No Titles,” curated by Yasmina Reggad, Sam Bardaouil, and Till Fellrath

-Hong Kong: Angela Su, “Arise, Hong Kong in Venice,” curated by Freya Chou and Ying Kwok


Here Are the 9 Best Pavilions at the 2022 Venice Biennale, From Some Super Creepy Centaurs to a Vision of Cybernetic Beauty

From Poland's first presentation by a Roma artist to a high-tech creature at the Korea Pavilion, here is our pick of the biennale's best.

