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조명희(Myung Hee Cho) UCLA 교수가 무대 디자인을 맡은 2022 무료 셰익스피어 공연(Shakespeare in the Park) '리처드 3세(Richard III, 6/21-7/17)'와 '뜻대로 하세요(As You Like It, 8/10-9/11)'가 6월 21일부터 9월 11일까지 센트럴파크 델라코트 시어터에서 열린다. 


조명희 교수는 한국에서 태어나 13세 때 미국으로 이주, 쿠퍼유니온에서 그래픽 디자인을 전공했다. 어느해 메트로폴리탄 오페라에서 '아이다(Aida)'를 본 후 예일대 드라마스쿨에서 세트디자인 전공으로 석사학위를 받았다.


이후 워싱턴국립오페라의 '피가로의 결혼', 한국 국립극장의 '트로이의 여인들', 맨해튼시어터클럽의 'The Body of the World' 등 다수의 연극, 무용, 오페라의 무대와 의상 디자인을 맡았다. 현재 UCLA의 무대디자인과 교수다. 







June 21 - July 17, 2022


Directed by Robert O’Hara

Featuring Danai Gurira in the Title Role


Tony Award nominee Robert O’Hara (Slave Play, The Public’s Barbecue) brings his sharp wit and story-telling genius to The Delacorte with a bold new production of RICHARD III. One of Shakespeare’s most indelible villains, Richard is determined to be King. Following his lust for power and the throne, he manipulates, kidnaps, and kills all who stand between him and his throne, using brilliant words and dark charm to conceal his dismantling of government and justice. This masterful dive into the muddy middle between political genius and violent power grab will open Free Shakespeare in the Park’s 60th Season with piercing relevancy and electrifying drama.






August 10 - September 11, 2022


Adapted by Shaina Taub & Laurie Woolery

Music & Lyrics by Shaina Taub

Original Choreography by Sonya Tayeh

Directed by Laurie Woolery


Public Works’ acclaimed musical production of AS YOU LIKE IT returns to Central Park, bringing together its diverse ensemble of both professional actors and community members from across New York. Adapted by Shaina Taub and Director of Public Works Laurie Woolery, featuring music and lyrics by Taub, this ambitious work of participatory theater has been hailed as “thrilling & terrifically vital” by The New York Times. Forced from their homes, Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind, and niece Celia are banished to the Forest of Arden. There, they discover a community of acceptance and transformational love, where all are welcomed and embraced. Laurie Woolery directs this magical adaptation of a beloved classic.

