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뉴욕시티오페라가 8월 15일 오후 7시 센트럴파크 울만링크에서 미국 오페라 하이라이트('발라드 오브 베이비 오, 수잔나, 에멀린, 스톤월, 핀지-콘티니스 정원, 스위니 토드, 타히티의 트러블)를 공연한다. 티켓 $15. 


New York City Opera will present Milestones of American Opera on Monday, August 15, 2022 at 7pm at Wollman Rink in Central Park. Enjoy an evening of great American operatic works by composers including Carlisle Floyd, Ricky Ian Gordon, Douglas Moore, Tobias Picker, Robert Ward, and Iain Bell. The concert will feature performances by extraordinary artists from the New York City Opera, including Tatev Baroyan, Lisa Chavez, Mark Delavan, Kristin Sampson, and Victor Starsky. The program for the evening will include selections from The Ballad of Baby Doe, SusannahEmmelineStonewallThe Garden of the Finzi-ContinisSweeney Todd, and Trouble in Tahiti. Tickets are $15. This is a non-skating event. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit wollmanrinknyc.com/event/new-york-city-opera.
