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시안 장(Xian Zhang)이 이끄는 뉴저지심포니(New Jersey Symphony)가 피아니스트 다닐 트리포노프(Danil Trifonov)와 1월 7일 오후 8시 뉴저지퍼포밍아트센터(NJPAC)에서 브람스의 피아노 협주곡 2번을 협연한다. 러시아 출신 다닐 트리포노프는 클리블랜드 음악원에서 수학했으며, 2010 쇼팽 콩쿠르 3위, 2011년 차이코프스키 콩쿠르에서 우승했다.  2018년엔 '프란츠 리스트 초절기교 연습곡' 앨범으로 그래미상 최우수 클래식 기악 솔로상을 수상했다. 이날 뉴저지심포니는 이외에도 스트라우스의 오페라 '돈 후앙(Don Juan)'과 '장미의 기사(Der Rosenkavalier)' 중 모음곡을 연주할 예정이다. https://www.njpac.org/series/new-jersey-symphony





New Jersey Symphony

Xian Zhang conductor, Daniil Trifonov piano



Sat, 01/07/23 @ 8:00PM


venue:prudential hall, betty wold johnson stage



Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2

Grammy Award-winning pianist Daniil Trifonov brings his technique, style, poetry and power to one of the most monumental piano concertos ever written. Brahms’ grand Second Piano Concerto has left audiences in awe ever since its premiere in 1881.


Strauss Don Juan

This swashbuckling tone poem would become the first masterpiece of famed composer Richard Strauss, who burst on the scene in 1889 at the age of 25. Full of adventure, longing, love, defiance and humor, it’s a work that will charm and thrill you, just like its namesake hero.


Strauss Suite from Der Rosenkavalier

Strauss’ comedic opera was so popular following its 1911 Dresden premiere that “Rosenkavalier” trains were arranged for audiences to make the 90-mile trek from Berlin. Full of sumptuous melodies, beguiling waltzes and heartbreaking nostalgia, it’s no wonder that Strauss reworked some of the highlights into this glittering orchestral suite.





Maestra Xian Zhang witth New Jersey Symphony at NJPAC, Jan 7, 2023  Photo: Sukie Park/NYCultureBeat

