이채은(14) 2023 YAGP 발레 콩쿠르 우승, 김수민-전민철-한국예술종합학교 수상
2023 유스 아메리카 그랑프리 (Youth America Grand Prix)
이채원 1위, 김수민-전민철 2인무 1위 등 2관왕,
한국예술종합학교 특별상 수상
이채은(Chae Eun Lee) Photo: Jennifer Wingrove and LK Studio, courtesy YAGP
이채은(Chae Eun Lee, 14, 예원학교)양이 4월 3일부터 10일까지 플로리다주 탬파에서 열린 2023 유스 아메리카 그랑프리(Youth America Grand Prix)에서 주니어 부문 1위를 차지했다.
시니어 여성 부문에선 김수민(Soo Min Kim, 18, 한국예술종합학교)이 공동 2위, 남성 부문에선 전민철(Minchul Jeon, 18, 한예종)이 3위, 김수민과 전민철은 앙상블 2인무 부문에서 1위를 차지해 2관광이 됐다. 그리고, 한국예술종합학교는 특별상으로 탁월한 학교(Outstanding School)상을 수상했다.
2000년 창설된 YAGP는 등용문으로 만 9세부터 19세까지 참가할 수 있는 세계 최대 규모의 발레대회다. 클래식 발레, 클래식발레 파드되, 군무, 컨템포러리 부문 등으로 나누어 경합하며, 올해는 세계에서 1만5천여명이 참가해 이중 41개국의 250여명이 최종 결선에 진출해 경쟁을 벌였다.
The 2023 YAGP Winners
<Senior Division>
Grand Prix: Fabrizzio Ulloa Cornejo, 16, Ballet Theater Basel, Switzerland
#Classical, Women
First: Ana Luisa Arantes Negrão, 18, Balé do Teatro Escola Basileu França, Brazil
Second (tie): Soo Min Kim, 18, Korea National University of the Arts, South Korea
Second (tie): Julie Joyner, 17, International City School of Ballet, GA, USA
Third: Olimpia Georgia Carauleanu, 15, JOY2DANCE, Romania
#Classical, Men
Daniel Alejandro Guzman. Photo by LK Studio, courtesy YAGP.
First: Daniel Alejandro Guzman, 19, Fort Lauderdale Youth Ballet, FL, USA
Second: Julio Santos, 17, Escola do Teatro Bolshoi do Brasil, Brazil
Third: Minchul Jeon, 18, Korea National University of the Arts, South Korea
<Junior Division>
#Classical, Women
First: Chae Eun Lee, 14, Yewon School, South Korea
Second (tie): Krysante Shiren Bianinova, 14, Marlupi Dance Academy, Indonesia
Second (tie): Yuzuki Okubo, 13, Ballerina School, Japan
Third (tie): Tamara Arandia, 13, Fomento Artistico Cordobes, Mexico
Third (tie): Crystal Huang, 14, Nevada School of Dance and The Rock Center for Dance, NV, USA
#Classical, Men
First: João Pedro dos Santos Silva, 14, Balé do Teatro Escola Basileu França, Brazil
Second: Eric Poor, 13, CityDance Conservatory, MD, USA
Third: Rhett Davies, 14, Perth Classical and Contemporary Coaching, Australia
<Pre-Competitive Division>
Hope Award: Morgan Ligon, 11, Elite Classical Coaching, TX, USA
#Classical, Women
First: Tiffany Emmanuela Tanugraha, 10, Marlupi Dance Academy, Indonesia
Second: Anne Takahashi, 10, Flora Ballet, Japan
Third: Victoria Carillo, 10, Master Ballet Academy, AZ, USA
#Classical, Men
First: Shinji Mitoma, 11, Watanabe Buber Ballet Academy, Japan
Second: Leon Yusei Sai, 11, Southland Ballet Academy, CA, USA
Third: Charley Toscano, 11, Independent, TX, USA
#Contemporary, Women
First: Rebeca Maria Zamfir, 11, Independent-Arts, Romania
Second: Lior Wieder, 10, Muza Dance Academy, Israel
Third: Kako Nakata, 10, K-Grace Ballet, Japan
#Contemporary, Men
First: Neo Del Corral, 11, Stars Dance Studio/Stars Ballet Academy, FL, USA
Second: Leon Yusei Sai, 11, Southland Ballet Academy, CA, USA
Third: Owen Simmons, 10, The School of Cadence Ballet, Canada
<Ensemble Division>
#Classical Pas de Deux
First: Soo Min Kim and Minchul Jeon, Korea National University of Arts, South Korea
Second: Grace Woodbury and Bryson Woody, International Ballet Academy, NC, USA
Third: Leon Yusei Sai and Afina Gosla, Southland Ballet Academy, CA, USA
#Contemporary Pas de Deux
First: Taylor O’Meara and Cruz Vining, Master Ballet Academy, AZ, USA
Second: Morgan Ligon and Keenan Mentzos, Elite Classical Coaching, TX, USA
Third: Jade Conner and Nikita Malaki, The Rock School for Dance Education, PA, USA
#Small Ensembles
First: Flames of Paris Pas de Quatre, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, NC, USA
Second: Unnaceptable Behavior, The School of Cadence Ballet, Canada
Third: Trinite, ProVer, Mexico
#Large Ensembles
First: Ukrainian Hopak, Master Ballet Academy, AZ, USA
Second (tie): Calligraphy, Atlanta Professional Dance Academy, GA, USA
Second (tie): You’ve Got a Friend, Professione Danza Pescara, Italy
Third: Feeling Blue, Ballet de Galicia, Spain
#Special Awards
Shelley King Award: Ana Lorenza Blanco Peniche, 13, Chasse Ballet, Mexico
Makarova Award: Sophia Koo, 15, Southland Ballet Academy, CA, USA
Outstanding School: Korea National University of the Arts, South Korea
Outstanding Choreographer: Tyler Angell
한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드
#16 음주가무-춤추고
'피겨 여왕' 김연아(Yuna Kim, *TIME 100-2010)은 춤꾼의 DNA를 갖고 있다'. 마린스키 발레(러시아)와 아메리칸발레시어터의 유일한 아시안 수석 무용수들은 한인들(김기민, 서희, 안주원)이며, 국제 발레 콩쿠르와 브레이크 댄스 대회(Battle of the Year)에서도 한인들이 수상을 휩쓸고 있다. 또한, K-Pop 스타들에게 춤은 필수요소다.
33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave
#16 음주가무-춤추고 Dance
"The Figure Skating Queen" Yuna Kim (*TIME 100 in 2010) has the DNA of a dancer, and the only Asian principal dancers at the Mariinsky Ballet (Russia), Kimin Kim, and at the American Ballet Theater (Hee Seo, and Joo Won Ahn) are Korean. Korean dancers have been winning awards at international ballet competitions and breaking dance competition "Battle of the Year''. Of course, dance is an essential part of K-Pop.
이채은 김수민 전민철-이들 세명의 발레전공 수상자 학생들에게 더욱 더 빛나는 앞날이 있기를 기원합니다.