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맨해튼 컬럼비아대학교 인근 리버사이드 교회에서 6월 27일 오후 7시 크리스토퍼 크리아간(Christopher Creaghan) 음악감독의 리사이틀이 열린다. '섬머 오르간 시리즈'의 한 프로그램인 이 콘서트에서는 바흐, 엘가, 메시앙 등의 곡이 연주된다. 오후 6시 30분부터는 조지 매튜 주니어(George Matthew, Jr.)의 카리용(종) 리사이틀이 열린다. 티켓 $20(일반), $15(학생, 노인)


Summer Organ Series: Christopher Creaghan

June 27 @ 7:00 pm


Christopher Creaghan · Director of Music | The Riverside Church, New York, NY

with George Matthew, Jr. · Carillonneur | Middlebury College and Norwich University



HOLLINS: Triumphal March

STANLEY: Voluntary in F

S. BACH: Arioso, BWV 156

S. BACH: Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 532

REGER: Variation and Fugue on “Heil dir im Seigerkranz”

ELGAR: “The Angel’s Farewell” from The Dream of Gerontius

MESSIAEN: Dieu Parmi Nous


About the Artist:

Christopher Creaghan is a New York City based recitalist, accompanist, and church musician. He is currently Director of Music and Organist of The Riverside Church where he weekly plays on one of the largest and most renowned organs in America in a service webcast live each Sunday, and oversees the administration of an extensive music program. In addition, he is the Organist and Choir Director for Temple Israel of New Rochelle.


He has performed recitals on many of New York’s largest instruments including the organs of St. Bartholomew’s Church, The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in repertoire spanning the Baroque period to 19th Century French masterworks, orchestral transcriptions, and works of New York City composers. Mr. Creaghan has also appeared often performing large scale choral accompaniments with many of New York’s choral organizations including The Collegiate Chorale, The New York Virtuoso Singers, The Stonewall Chorale, and The Dessoff Choirs. He has played at the Berkshire Choral Festival, and with the American Symphony Orchestra at the Bard Music Festival as well as at Carnegie Hall. He has toured Eastern Europe with The Canticum Novum Singers. Performances with orchestra have included concertos by Poulenc and Handel, and he has been a featured artist with Musica Viva performing Rheinberger’s Concerto in F Major. He has premiered works by Pamela Decker, Bruce Neswick, Gerre Hancock, Stephen Paulus, Iain Quinn, and Nancy Wertsch.


He is a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music where he studied with renowned organist and composer McNeil Robinson and whose works he often performs. An active member of the American Guild of Organists for many years, he is a past Dean of the New York City Chapter. A native of Canada, he has recorded for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is married to composer and mezzo-soprano Nancy Wertsch.


6:30pm | Carillon Recital by George Matthew, Jr.

7:00pm | Organ Recital by Christopher Creaghan


Tickets: $20 General Admission | $15 Students & Seniors

