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2023 MCCAP Conference 

1st Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies: Asia-Pacific (MCCAP) Conference 

School of Communication-College of Communication & Information

at Florida State University


The Phenomenon of Hallyu and its Impact on the Global Industry


October 26-27, 2023


Virtual and In-person Sessions, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL – USA

The Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies: Asia-Pacific (MCCAP) research program is hosting its very first conference in October 2023. For our first official meeting, we will focus on the theme of, “The phenomenon of Hallyu (the Korean wave of pop culture) and its impact on the global industry.”


Korean popular cultural forms have attracted audiences around the world in the past decades. The Korean Wave includes music, film, television, food, fashion, etc. Distinct and passionate audiences have emerged in many countries. The planning, creation, and marketing of popular culture is a significant service export for the Republic of Korea as well as a new form of public diplomacy. For communication and culture researchers, these developments pose questions concerning genres, media production, advertising and promotion practices, distribution systems and exports, media portrayals, and audiences’ perceptions and enjoyment in different parts of the world.


Date and Location:

October 26th, Thursday 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

@ Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement (CGE), Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA



October 27th, Friday 8:00 am – 11:30 am

@ Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement (CGE), Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA



Conference Program


October 26th, 2023 (Thursday)


5:00 – 5:45 pm: Reception

5:45 – 6:00 pm: Welcome Message (Dr. Steve McDowell & Dr. Patrick Merle)


6:00 – 7:00 pm: Opening Keynote 

Presenter: Regina Kim 레지나 김 (프리랜스 저널리스트 Freelance Journalist, NYC)  

Title: K-팝에서 K-드라마까지: K-문화는 어떻게 세계를 휩쓸었나 From K-pop to K-dramas: How K-culture Swept the World


7:00 – 7:30 pm: Seoula System, Student K-pop dance performance



October 27th, 2023 (Friday) 


8:00 – 8:15 am: Welcoming remarks


8:15 – 9:00 am: Session 1

Presenters: 곽영신 Yongshin Kwak (한양대 박사과정 Ph.D. Candidate, Hanyang University) & 류웅재 박사 Dr. Woongjae Ryoo(한양대 교수 Professor, Hanyang University)

Title: K-문화의 저항과 지배: 글로벌 한류의 하이브리드 근대성 Resistance and Domination in K-Culture: The Hybrid Modernity of the Global Korean Wave 


9:15 – 9:20 am: Break


9:20 – 10:20 am: Session 2

Presenter 1) 보라 윤 박사 Dr. Bora Yoon (뉴욕한국문화원 Korean Cultural Center, NYC) (Zoom)

Title: K-라이프스타일을 향한 한류의 진화: 한국문화의 번성 영역을 공개하다–뉴욕한국문화원의 활동 엿보기 Evolution of K-Wave toward K-Lifestyle: Unveiling the Flourishing Realm of Korean Culture – A Glimpse into the Work of the Korean Cultural Center New York


Presenter 2) 박숙희 Sukie Park (뉴욕컬처비트 대표/저널리스트 www.NYCultureBeat.com Founder/ Journalist, NYC) (Zoom)

Title: 방탄소년단, 기생충, 그리고 오징어 게임을 넘어서 Beyond BTS, Parasite and Squid Game


10:20 – 10:25 am: Break


10:25 – 11:25 am: Closing Keynote 

Presenter: 경 윤 박사 Dr. Kyong Yoon (브리티시컬럼비아대 오카나간 교수 Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada)

Title: K-팝의 문화적 혼종성을 재고하다 Rethinking the Cultural Hybridity of K-pop


11:25 – 11:30 am: Closing remarks


학회 조직위원회 Conference Organizing Committees 

(스티브 맥도웰 박사 Dr. Steve McDowell, 이정훈 박사 Dr. Jenghoon Lee, and 이재진 박사 Dr. Jaejin Lee)


11:30 am: Lunch



2023 MCCAP Conference Guest Speakers and Bio



Regina Kim (Freelance Journalist, NYC)

Title: From K-pop to K-dramas: How K-culture Swept the World

Date & Time: Opening Keynote, October 26th, Thursday @6:00 pm


Regina Kim is an NYC-based freelance writer focusing on Korean pop culture and Asian American issues.  She has written for Vanity Fair, Time, CNN, Rolling Stone, Billboard, Elle and other national media outlets and has talked about Korean entertainment on NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour, BBC Radio, Arirang News and more.  You can read some of her work at reginakim.com and find her on Twitter/X at @ReginaEKim and on Instagram at @curious_idealist.



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Youngshin Kwak (left; Ph.D. Candidate, Hanyang University) & Dr. Woongjae Ryoo (right; Professor, Hanyang University)

Title: Resistance and Domination in K-Culture: The Hybrid Modernity of the Global Korean Wave

Date & Time: Session 1, October 27th, Friday @ 8:15 am


Youngshin Kwak is a researcher in the Journalism Institute at Semyung University, Jecheon, Korea. His research interests include media and society, popular culture and journalism. He currently engages in a series of alternative media projects and pertinent civic activities. He is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Media and Communication at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. He has published several academic journals including, ‘The multi-dimensionality of fairness discourse in an unequal society’ and ‘Can socially critical K-content change the world?’. 


Woongjae Ryoo is a professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. His research interests include international communication, globalization, state media and cultural policies, creative industries, cultural studies, communication and social change, the political economy of media and culture, political and cultural geography in East Asia and Korean studies. 




Dr. Bora Yoon (Korean Cultural Center, NYC)

Title: Evolution of K-Wave toward K-Lifestyle: Unveiling the Flourishing Realm of Korean Culture – A Glimpse into the Work of the Korean Cultural Center New York

Date & Time: Session 2, October 27th, Friday @ 9:20 – 10:20 am


Bora Yoon is the Program Manager, Communications at the Korean Cultural Center New York, which is a government institution under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. She has managed education and fashion programs such as K-New Leaders, Korean Storytime, and Public Lecture Series in collaboration with major cultural institutions and influential artists. She received her Ph.D. in International Relations from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea in 2021 with a thesis illuminating the impact of the UN’s communication policies and activities on global public opinions. She is a co-author of the book “The Evaluation Model for Korean Public Diplomacy” published based on the research project of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her papers were presented at international conferences and one of them was published in the International Journal in 2020.  




Sukie Park (www.NYCultureBeat.com Founder/ Journalist, NYC)

Title: Beyond BTS, Parasite and Squid Game

Date & Time: Session 2, October 27th, Friday @ 9:20 – 10:20 am


A native Korean, Sukie Park studied journalism at Ewha Womans University, film and theater at Hanyang University Graduate School in Seoul, and entertainment business studies at Baruch College in New York City. In Seoul, Ms. Park worked as a reporter for several Korean pop, cinema, photography, and video magazines. She also worked as a writer at Korean radio (KBS-2FM Film Music Salon/ 영화음악실) and television (MBC-TV Start! Video Journey/ 출발! 비디오 여행) stations. Additionally, she worked as a copywriter at Daewoo Video. 

After moving to New York City in 1996, she covered culture as a journalist for The Korea Daily of New York (JoongAng Ilbo). In 2012, she founded www.NYCultureBeat.com, a Korean language website that focuses on cultural events, travel, food, wine, shopping, sightseeing, and people, on which Ms. Park publishes original content on a daily basis. She has edited two books, “The Movie That Changed My Life” (나를 움직인 이 한편의 영화, 1990), a collection of essays by Korean filmmakers, actors and writers, and “Drawing Helen Kim: The Master Who Changed Our Lives” (선생님 그리기: 우리를 움직인 스승 김활란, 1997), a collection of writings about the first President of Ewha Womans University. She is also the author of the recently-published book, “한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드: 방탄소년단(BTS), '기생충'그리고 '오징어 게임'을 넘어서 (33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave: Beyond BTS, Parasite, and Squid Game).” 




Dr. Kyong Yoon (Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada)

Title: Rethinking the Cultural Hybridity of K-pop

Date & Time: Closing Keynote, October 27th, Friday @ 10:25 am


Kyong Yoon is a Seoul-born media researcher. His research focuses on digital media, migration, cultural industries, and East Asian youth culture. He is the author of Digital Mediascapes of Transnational Korean Youth Culture and Diasporic Hallyu: The Korean Wave in Korean Canadian Youth Culture. He has co-authored Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture. Prior to coming to UBC Okanagan, he was an ESRC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sheffield, a research assistant professor at Korea University, and a Korea Foundation visiting professor at McGill University. 




Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies: Asia-Pacific (MCCAP)


About the MCCAP Conference: 

The Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies: Asia-Pacific (MCCAP) conference is an annual meeting of the global community of communication, media and cultural scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, and enthusiasts who are dedicated to exploring and analyzing various aspects of Asia-Pacific communication/media environments and culture.   


The conference serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas, research findings, and creative endeavors that delve into the intricate intersections of communication, media, technology, and cultural practices within the Asia-Pacific context. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, the MCCAP plays a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of how media shapes perceptions, narratives, and identities, while also shedding light on the broader social, political, and economic implications that underlie these phenomena.  


  • sukie 2023.10.25 20:55
    플로리다 주립대 한류 학회 참가-이기쁜 소식을 컬빗 독자는 물론이고 동창회와 2세 한인들에게도 꼭 알려서 우리의 문화 예술을 읽고 감상할 기회가 있기를 바랍니다.
    '한류 코드 33'책을 구입해서 주말 한국학교 교사들에게 나누어 주고 읽기를 권할려고 합니다.