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재선을 준비 중인 에릭 아담스(Eric Adams) 뉴욕시장이 1993년 경찰국 교통부 소속 직원 로나 비치-마투라(Lorna Beach-Mathura)씨를 성폭행한 혐의로 피소됐다. 소장에 따르면, 당시 뉴욕시경 간부였던 에릭 아담스는 피고를 주차장으로 데려가 승진에 도움을 주겠다며 오럴 섹스를 요구했고, 이를 거절하자 강제로 성폭행했다고 주장했다. 피고는 아담스와 뉴욕시경을 상대로 500만 달러의 피해 보상금을 요구하고 있다. 로나 비치-마투라씨는 CUNY 브루클린칼리지에서 저널리즘을 전공한 후 플로리다주 노바사우스이스턴대에서 공익행정과 시경영 석사학위, 동 대학원에서 교육학 박사 학위를 받았다. 그는 흑인 여성으로 플로리다에 거주 중이다. 


Plaintiff Lorna Beach-Mathura (“Plaintiff”) by her attorneys Goddard Law PLLC, whose offices are located at 39 Broadway, Suite 1540, New York, New York 10006, alleges upon knowledge with respect to herself, and upon information and belief as to all other matters, as follows:


1. This action is brought by Plaintiff under the Adult Survivors Act, CPLR 214-j, as a result of sexual assault perpetrated by the current Mayor of the City of New York, Eric Adams (“Defendant Adams”). Defendant Adams claimed he would assist Plaintiff with an employment issue, only instead to drive her to a vacant lot and request oral sex from her. When she refused, Defendant Adams forcibly pushed Plaintiff’s hand onto his erect penis, and then, after she removed

her hand, masturbated himself to completion and ejaculated on her.


2. In 1993, as an employee of the Transit Bureau of the New York Police Department (“Defendant Transit Bureau”), Plaintiff sought help from Defendant Adams, in his capacity as a leader in the Transit Bureau New York Police Department (“NYPD”) Guardians Association (“Defendant Guardians”), a fraternal organization formed to fight for the rights of Black employees, and in his capacity as a Police Officer. 


3. Plaintiff had repeatedly been passed over for a promotion and, encountering the resistance all-too-frequently faced by Black and female NYPD and Defendant Transit Bureau employees in that era, she asked Defendant Adams for help because he had held himself out to be an advocate for equality and fair treatment for Black employees.


4. Instead of helping Plaintiff get fair treatment at Defendant Transit Bureau, Defendant Adams preyed on her perceived vulnerability, demanding a quid pro quo sexual favor and sexually assaulting Plaintiff, revealing himself not to be the “Guardian” he purported to be, but a predator.


5. The effects of that sexual assault, betrayal, and astonishing abuse of power, continue to haunt Plaintiff to this day. 


6. Plaintiff knew that there was no way for her, a divorced mother of young children, to safely report Defendant Adams through official channels if she wanted to keep her job. 


7. However, Plaintiff was not willing to keep quiet and, over the years, has an established track record of flagging concerns over Defendant Adams’ unethical, illegal attack on her. 


8. When Defendant Adams went on to run for and become the Mayor of New York City, his comments continued to strike Plaintiff as hypocritical and sanctimonious. That is why, in the fall of 2023, when Plaintiff learned that New York had passed a law allowing survivors of sexual assault to come forward many years later, she felt obligated to bring Defendant Adams’ behavior to light.


9. As is set forth more fully below, Plaintiff alleges sexual assault, battery, infliction of emotional distress, gender discrimination, retaliation, and sexual harassment under the New York City and New York State Human Rights Laws, and seeks damages, compensatory and punitive, and commensurate with the life-altering impact of what she experienced at the hands of Defendant Adams.


Parties, Jurisdiction, and Venue


10. Plaintiff Lorna Beach-Mathura (formally Lorna Beach) is a Black woman and a resident of Florida. 


11. During the relevant time period, Plaintiff resided in Coney Island, New York, and was employed by Defendant City of New York (“Defendant NYC”) in the Defendant Transit Bureau which was known as the New York Transit Police Department but, upon information and belief, has since become a part of the NYPD. Defendant Transit Bureau has multiple offices throughout Defendant NYC, but on information and belief, currently has headquarters at One

Police Plaza, Police Plaza Path, New York, New York 10038.


12. During her employment at Defendant Transit Bureau, Plaintiff became a member of Defendant Guardians.


13. Defendant Adams was at all relevant times a New York resident and an employee of Defendant NYC in Defendant Transit Bureau.


14. At all relevant times, Defendant Adams was a high-ranking official of Defendant Guardians.


15. Defendant Adams had influence over Plaintiff’s terms and conditions of employment as an official within the Defendant Guardians. 



NYTimes: Mayor Adams Is Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Colleague in 1993

In a lawsuit, a former police colleague of Eric Adams said that he demanded oral sex in exchange for career help in 1993 and assaulted her when she refused.



Lawsuit Accuses Eric Adams of Sexual Assault Three Decades Ago



