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Eunju Kang: Flower Talks


April 6-April 28, 2024 

The Garage Art Center (26-01 Corporal Kennedy Street, Bayside, NY 11360)

Opening Reception: Saturday, 4/6/2024, @ 4 pm – 6 pm

Art Workshop: Saturday, 4/20/2024, @ 3 pm – 4:30 pm


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Eunju Kang, Still Life with Gourd, Eunju Kang, 2022, Watercolor on paper, 30”H x 22”W


퀸즈 베이사이드의 갤러리 가라지아트센터에서 4월 6일부터 28일까지 강은주 작가의 개인전 "꽃 이야기"를 연다. 


이번 전시는 작가의 최근 수채화 작품들을 중심으로 작가의 스튜디오 풍경을 담았다. 매일 자전거를 타고, 뉴욕의 작업실로 가는 동안 작가는 주변 세계 - 색채, 형태, 꽃, 하늘을 관찰하고 감상하는 시간을 가졌다. 포착된 이미지들은 스튜디오로 함께 따라오고, 그곳에서 그녀는 종이 위에 수채화 물감으로 의도적이지만 즉흥적인, 간단한 붓터치로 이미지들을 조합하고 정제하며 표현했다.


작가는 스튜디오에서 하루를 보내는 동안 거대한 창문 앞에 위치한 작업대에서 창밖으로 보이는 철도와 하늘의 변화무쌍한 풍경을 그리기도 했다. 창 앞의 선인장과 기찻길 풍경 시리즈는 같은 장소에서의 정적인 정물로 보일 수도 있지만, 변화무쌍한 빛과 감정의 역동적 상호 작용으로 계속 변화하는 작가의 감정을 반영한다. 수채화로 맑게 표현된 이 창문들은 작가의 생각과 감정으로 통하는 창이기도 하다. 


강은주(Eunju Kang) 작가는 대구에서 태어나 1970년대에 가족과 함께 캘리포니아로 이주했다. UC Santa Barbara와 Pasadena ArtCenter College of Design에서 학사 학위를 받았다. Provincetown (FAWC), Virginia Center for the Creative Arts 및 Vermont Studio Center의 입주 작가로 선정됐으며, 뉴욕시의 Bob Blackburn 프린트 메이킹 워크샵으로 장학금을 받았다. L.A. County High School for the Arts, Art Center College of Design 및 School of Visual Art 에서 가르치기도 했다. 작가의 일러스트 작업은 Godiva Chocolate, Aveda, Simon & Schuster 등의 브랜드에서 포장 및 광고 캠페인에 사용되었다. 




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Eunju Kang, Studio Window,  2022, Watercolor on paper, 30”H x 22”W



Eunju Kang’s "Flower Talks" Exhibition Marks the Beginning of Garage Art Center's 2024 Season


Garage Art Center proudly announces the commencement of the 2024 season with the solo exhibition "Flower Talks" by artist Eunju Kang. This exhibition showcases Eunju’s watercolor pieces, revealing a series crafted during the challenging times of COVID.


As Eunju ventures into her studio daily, riding her bicycle, she takes the time to observe and appreciate the world around her—the colors, shapes, flowers, and the sky. These images accompany her to the studio, where she manipulates, refines, blurs, and clears, leading to the delightful surprise of a simple gesture, both deliberate and spontaneous. Upon arriving at the studio, she finds solace at her workspace, gazing out of a vast window that frames the ever-changing panorama of the railway and sky. What might initially appear as a static still life in a consistent location unfolds as a dynamic interplay of light and emotion, reflecting the artist’s evolving state of mind. This window serves as a portal into artist’s thoughts and feelings.


* All programs are FREE and open to the public. Registration required. To schedule your visit or register for the workshop, please use our scheduler https://garageartcenter.as.me or email to contact@garageartcenter.org


Related Events

The opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, from 4 pm to 6 pm. It offers a unique opportunity for attendees to meet the artist, gain insights into her creative process, and engage in conversation over the artwork presented.


Another highlight is the watercolor art workshop set for Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm, led by Eunju Kang.



All programs are FREE and open to the public. However, registration is required. To secure your spot for the exhibition viewing or art workshop, please use our scheduler at https://garageartcenter.as.me.


More about the workshop:



About the Artist

Eunju Kang was born and raised in Daegu, Korea, and moved to California as a teenager with her family in the 70s. Eunju was always an avid doodler, often filling her textbooks with sketches, which became a helpful communication tool as she adjusted to her new life. Since the early 90s, Eunju has lived and worked in NYC, focusing on painting, printmaking, and transforming her doodles and sketches into a successful business with her sisters.

Eunju earned fine art degrees at UC Santa Barbara and Pasadena Art Center College of Design, where she graduated with distinction. She has been awarded residencies at The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown (FAWC), the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Vermont Studio Center. Additionally, she received a scholarship to the Bob Blackburn Print Making Workshop in NYC. Eunju has also taught at the L.A. County High School for the Arts, the Art Center College of Design, and the School of Visual Art in NYC. Her fine art is featured in private collections around the world, and her illustration work has been utilized in packaging and ad campaigns by prestigious brands such as Godiva Chocolate, Aveda, Simon & Schuster, among many others.

Eunju's lifelong passion for monoprinting started in Santa Barbara and continues to drive her artistic exploration. She often incorporates collage and detailed sketches or paintings into her work, and she frequently employs mixed media on wood panels. She expresses her love for monoprinting, describing it as an endless journey of surprises—something spontaneous, both intended and unintended.
