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첼리스트 솔 다니엘 김(Sol Daniel Kim)과 가야금주자 윤다영(Dayoung Yoon)으로 구성된 듀오 첼로가야금(CelloGayageum)이 5월 24일 메트로폴리탄뮤지엄에서 두차례 콘서트를 연다. 오후 2시엔 아서 M. 새클러 갤러리, 오후 6시엔 코리아 갤러리에서 연주한다. 콘서트는 무료. 




CelloGayageum  Photo by Seung Yull Nah


A Musical Celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CelloGayageum


WHEN: Friday, May 24, 2024

2–3 pm @Gallery 206, The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Floor 2

6–7 pm @Gallery 233, Arts of Korea Gallery, Floor 2

The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Join experts for an hour of lively music and dialogue on works of art on view in the galleries. In this program, CelloGayageum discusses the significance of the gayageum (a traditional Korean stringed instrument) and cello’s contribution to the Korean musical landscape in connection to The Met collection. Listen to the sounds of the gayageum and cello as CelloGayageum gives a performs on their own instruments.  


Presented in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and in conjunction with The Town Hall’s K-Town Hall Series.  


‘CelloGayageum’ was founded in 2016 by an Austrian cellist Sol Daniel Kim and Korean Gayageum player Dayoung Yoon. The inspiration to create this intercultural duo came from the "Pavillon of Unification" located in Berlin, a city shaped by a tragic history of war, division and reunion.


The duo was awarded with several prizes such as the ‘Soorim Culture Prize’ given by the <Soorim Cultural Foundation>  in 2018 and in the same year also received a generous grant from the <Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture> to produce their first album “South Wave, North Wind”. In 2020 they became the ‘Artist of the year’ of the <Jeongdong Theater> in Seoul.


The co-existence of the West and the Far East, which is also reflected by the musical and cultural background of both artists, acts like a catalyst and enables the musicians to discover new ways to make and create music. Sol Daniel Kim and Dayoung Yoon are constantly searching and experimenting with the goal to combine the characteristics of their respective musical cultures and instruments, finding the right balance and forming a harmonic symbiosis in sound and style. 


It is their goal and passion to not only perform music to a broad audience, but also serve as cultural ambassadors presenting the traditional music culture of South Korea to the whole world. All their pieces are original and written by the two artists. https://www.cellogayageum.com 




  • sukie 2024.05.10 12:01
    듀오 첼로가야금-동양음악과 서양음악의 만남이 어떻게 조화를 이루어낼까? 궁금합니다. 가야금의 현란한 소리가 화려함을 느끼게 해 준다면 첼로의 투박하고 굵은 선율이 가야금의 소리를 받쳐주니까 어떤 악기도 이 두 악기가 내는 소리를 묘사하지 못할껍니다. 가야금은 앉아서 선율을 만들어 내니까 그 자태가 고고해 보입니다. 가야금이 쏘프라노라면 첼로는 바리톤같은 느낌이 듭니다. 듀오 첼로가야금이 히말라야 산아래서 연주하는 모습을 상상해봅니다.
    와 정말 멋지다~