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Joyce Yang, piano

Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff & Mussorgsky


Friday July 19, 2024 at 7:30pm



Grammy-nominated pianist Joyce Yang is hailed for her “poetic and sensitive pianism” (Washington Post) and a “wondrous sense of color” (San Francisco Classical Voice). Take a mesmerizing journey through the passionate and intense world of three Russian composers, as Yang’s virtuosity, lyricism, and interpretive sensitivity collide in a spellbinding performance that will leave your heart racing with excitement.



Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Selections from Les saisons

Sergei Rachmaninoff: 

Prelude in B Minor, Op. 32, No. 10

Prelude in G-sharp Minor, Op. 32, No. 12

Prelude in D Major, Op. 32, No. 4

Modest Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition


“The sound is bold and modern, yet restrained. The precision of the fingerwork is astounding.”

— BBC Music Magazine


Ticket: $49, $69, $82





Blessed with “poetic and sensitive pianism” (The Washington Post) and a “wondrous sense of color” (San Francisco Classical Voice), Grammy-nominated pianist Joyce Yang captivates audiences with her virtuosity, lyricism, and interpretive sensitivity.  


She first came to international attention in 2005 when she won the silver medal at the 12th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. In the last decade, Yang has blossomed into an “astonishing artist” (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), showcasing her colorful musical personality in solo recitals and collaborations with the world’s top orchestras and chamber musicians through more than 1,000 debuts and re-engagements. She received the 2010 Avery Fisher Career Grant and earned her first Grammy nomination (Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance) for her recording of Franck, Kurtág, Previn, & Schumann with violinist Augustin Hadelich.  


Other notable orchestral engagements have included Chicago Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, The Philadelphia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Hong Kong Philharmonic, and BBC Philharmonic, among many others.  


In solo recitals, Yang has performed at New York City’s Lincoln Center and Metropolitan Museum, The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., Chicago’s Symphony Hall, Zurich’s Tonhalle, and all throughout Australia on a recital tour presented by Musica Viva.   


Yang’s discography includes celebrated solo discs (Collage and Wild Dreams, Avie Records), in which she “demonstrated impressive gifts” (The New York Times). Yang also released a live-performance recording of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 with Denmark’s Odense Symphony Orchestra (Bridge Records), and she has premiered and recorded several world premieres.  


In recent years, Yang has focused on promoting creative ways to introduce classical music to new audiences. She served as the Guest Artistic Director for the Laguna Beach Music Festival in California, curating concerts that explore the “art-inspires-art” concept – highlighting the relationship between music and dance while simultaneously curating outreach activities to young students.   


Yang began the 2023–24 season as Artist-in-Residence for Grant Park Music Festival and as a guest artist with Aspen Music Festival, followed by performances with New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. She continues to present her wide range of repertoire in over 30 cities playing 10 different piano concerti, solo recitals, and chamber music. 


Born in Seoul, South Korea, Yang began piano lessons at age four. She graduated from The Juilliard School with special honor as the recipient of the school’s 2010 Arthur Rubinstein Prize, and in 2011 she won its 30th Annual William A. Petschek Piano Recital Award. Yang is a Steinway artist. 


Know Before You Go

Summer Season Shuttle / Take the FREE shuttle from Metro North’s Katonah train station to and from Caramoor! The shuttle runs before and after every summer afternoon and evening concert. There is no RSVP to get on the shuttle, it will be there when you arrive (in the parking lot side of the station). If it’s not there, it’s just making the loop and should be back within 5–10 minutes. The shuttle will start running 2.5 hours before the concert, and 30 minutes after the concert ends.


Rain or Shine / All events at Caramoor take place rain or shine. In the event of bad weather, this Spanish Courtyard concert will move under the Venetian Theater tent (with open-air sides) or into the Music Room (fully indoors).



149 Girdle Ridge Road

Katonah, NY 10536





*조이스 양, 뉴욕필과 '스페인 정원의 밤' 협연, 2015



*조이스 양+어거스틴 호델리크 2017 그래미상 후보 올라



*조성진 카라무어(NY, 5/15), 카네기홀(5/17) 리사이틀 포토 스케치 (사진: 홍영혜 & NYCultureBeat)



*뉴욕주 허드슨 밸리7-카라무어 섬머 뮤직 페스티벌





한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드
#25 K-클래식: 정경화에서 임윤찬까지 콩쿠르 강국 The Korean Musical Mystery 
피아노, 바이올린, 첼로, 성악, 작곡...한인 클래식 연주자들은 최근 20년간 세계 3대 콩쿠르와 밴클라이번 콩쿠르를 휩쓸었다. 4년마다 텍사스에서 열리는 '피아노 올림픽' 밴클라이번 에선 2017(선우예권), 2022(임윤찬) 연속 한인들이 우승을 차지했했다. 퀸 엘리자베스 콩쿠르가 열리는 벨기에의 감독 티어리 롤로는 콩쿠르 강국 한국에 관한 다큐멘터리 '한국 클래식의 수수께끼(The Korean Musical Mystery, 2012)'를 연출했다. 


33 Keys to Decoding the Korean Wave
#25 K-Classical Music: The Korean Musical Mystery 
Piano, violin, cello, voice, composition. Korean classical musicians have won the world's top three competitions (Chopin, Tchaikovsky & Queen Elisabeth) and the Van Cliburn competition over the past 20 years. At the "Piano Olympics" Van Cliburn competition held in Texas every four years, Koreans won the gold medals in 2017 and 2022. Belgian Thiery Loreau directed the documentary "The Korean Musical Mystery" (2012) to investigate the Korean phenomena.


