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브로드웨이 사진작가 조안 마커스 & 캐롤 로즈에그

'애브뉴 Q'에서 '위키드'까지 뉴욕 극장가 40년 플래쉬 백 




브로드웨이 홍보 사진작가 조안 마커스(Joan Marcus)와 캐롤 로즈에그(Carol Rosegg)의 포토콜(photo call) 사진을 소개하는 특별전 'Photo Call: The Theater Photos of Joan Marcus and Carol Rosegg'이 링컨센터의 공립도서관(New York Public Library for the Performing Arts)에서 열리고 있다.


이 전시에는 '애브뉴 Q(Avenue Q), 로저스와 해머스타인의 신데렐라(Cinderella), '네버랜드를 찾아서(Finding Neverland)', 해밀턴(Hamilton), '레 미제라블(Les Misérables), '라이온 킹(The Lion King)', '위키드(Wicked)' 등 조안 마커스와 캐롤 로즈에그가 지난 40년간 촬영한 브로드웨이와 오프브로드웨이 공연 사진들이 선보인다. 마커스와 캐롤 로즈에그는 오랫동안 첼시 스튜디오를 공유해왔다. 


New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center

40 Lincoln Center Plaza (entrance at 111 Amsterdam between 64th and 65th)



Photo Call: The Theater Photos of Joan Marcus and Carol Rosegg 


Through September 28, 2024

The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center


Photo Call: The Theater Photos of Joan Marcus and Carol Rosegg features an extensive selection of the many theater productions Marcus and Rosegg have photographed over the past four decades, and tells some of their fascinating and unique stories of their experiences capturing some of Broadway’s most iconic images. The exhibition demonstrates the vast breadth of their work and the shows they captured, and, in some cases, their photographs are the only documentation we have of these productions. The show also captures the photographers’ transition from analog to digital photography. 


The exhibition highlights shows like Avenue Q, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Finding Neverland, Hamilton, Les Misérables, The Lion King, and Wicked—as well as many more of Broadway and Off Broadway’s biggest hits since the 1980s.


Curated by Doug Reside, the Lewis and Dorothy Cullman Curator of the Billy Rose Theatre Division, in collaboration with Marcus and Rosegg themselves, Photo Call is the first major exhibition of the two photographers who shared a Chelsea studio for many years while building their separate careers.





