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뉴욕 시티센터 30달러 무용 축제

2024 폴 포 댄스(Fall for Dance) 페스티벌




뉴욕 시티센터의 30달러 무용축제, 2024 폴 포 댄스(Fall for Dance)가 9월 18일부터 29일까지 10일 동안 열린다.


올 폴 포 댄스엔 우크라이나국립발레단(National Ballet of Ukraine), 몬트리올의 앤 플라몬돈 프로덕션(Montreal's ANNE PLAMONDON PRODUCTIONS), 이탈리아의 CNN/알터발레토(CNN/Aterballetto), 네덜란드국립발레단(Dutch National Ballet), 영국의 간디니 저글링(Gandini Juggling), 캐나다의 위니펙발레(Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet), 보스턴 발레(Boston Ballet), 뉴욕의 컴플렉션 현대발레단(Complexions Contemporary Ballet), 시카고의 M.A.D.D. 리듬(M.A.D.D. Rhythms), 뉴욕의 kNoname Artist—Roderick George 등 15개 무용단이 무대에 오른다.


폴 포 댄스 페스티벌엔 연간 2만2천여명이 관람하고 있다. 티켓은 8월 25일 오전 11시부터 판매된다. 




Fall for Dance Festival 2024


Sep 18 -29, 2024 @New York City Center


New York City Center announces complete programming for 2024 Fall for Dance Festival

Ten-day festival attracts audience of 22,000 newcomers and dance fans alike with all tickets $30 (fees included)

New York City Center Commissions choreographed by Herman Cornejo, Cameron sinkʷə Fraser-Monroe, and Tiler Peck


Tickets on sale Sunday, August 25 at 11am


AUGUST 13, 2024 (NEW YORK, NY) – NEW YORK CITY CENTER today announced complete programming for the 2024 Fall for Dance Festival, September 18 – 29, 2024. An essential part of New York’s fall dance season, the annual ten-day Festival opens City Center’s 2024 – 2025 season with a showcase of dance companies and artists in an array of styles, attracting an audience of 22,000 newcomers and returning dance fans alike. In keeping with City Center’s founding mission of accessibility, all tickets for Fall for Dance are $30 (fees included). 

Tickets go on sale on Sunday, August 25 at 11am.


“For more than 20 years, Fall for Dance has brought important dance artists from across the globe to our New York audience,” said Stanford Makishi, VP & Artistic Director, Dance. “This year’s festival continues to be a major platform for international talent with performances by National Ballet of Ukraine, Montreal's ANNE PLAMONDON PRODUCTIONS, CNN/Aterballetto from Italy, Dutch National Ballet, and Gandini Juggling from the UK. And Festival debuts include the homegrown Complexions Contemporary Ballet, M.A.D.D. Rhythms from Chicago, and kNoname Artist—Roderick George.”


He continued, “This year’s three commissioned works amplify newer choreographic voices from the ballet world. Legendary dancer Herman Cornejo reimagines Fokine’s beloved Le Spectre de la Rose; Cameron sinkʷə Fraser-Monroe creates a new work for dancers of Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, in a co-commission with the Bard College Center for Indigenous Studies; and, in a co-commission with the Vail Dance Festival, American Ballet Theatre’s Aran Bell performs a solo by renowned ballerina Tiler Peck.”


Free pre-show dance lessons will be held in the Grand Tier lobby one hour before the second performance of each program, offering ticketholders (for that performance) an opportunity to meet and mingle, and learn a few steps from artists. Tia Powell-Harris, VP, Education & Community Engagement, said, “What the dance programming team has assembled for our pre-show lessons is truly astounding, especially given the caliber of the teachers, which include major dance stars and artistic directors. These lessons enrich the theater-going experience and are an important part of the overall education and community engagement work that we do at City Center.”



Fall for Dance 2024 Schedule


All shows at 7:30pm

Sun Sep 29 at 2pm


PROGRAM 1 | Wed, Sep 18 & Thu, Sep 19


National Ballet of Ukraine

Wartime Elegy

NY Premiere

Choreography by Alexei Ratmansky


Aran Bell

Piano Songs

NY Premiere

New York City Center co-commission with Vail Dance Festival

Choreography by Tiler Peck




Choreography by Andrea Miller in collaboration with Rambert2 and The Juilliard School



PROGRAM 2 | Fri, Sep 20 & Sat, Sep 21


Complexions Contemporary Ballet

Excerpts from For Crying Out Loud

Choreography by Dwight Rhoden


Boston Ballet

Ein von Viel

NY Premiere

Choreography by Sabrina Matthews


kNoname Artist – Roderick George


Choreography by Roderick George



PROGRAM 3 | Tue, Sep 24 & Wed, Sep 25




US Premiere

Choreography by Anne Plamondon


Skylar Brandt & Herman Cornejo

The Specter of the Rose

World Premiere

New York City Center commission

Choreography by Herman Cornejo after Michel Fokine


M.A.D.D. Rhythms

Excerpts from Feeling Good: A M.A.D.D. Rhythms Tribute to Nina Simone

NY Premiere

Choreography by Bril Barrett, Tristan Bruns, Starinah “Star” Dixon, Alexandrya Fryson, and Donnetta “Lil Bit” Jackson



PROGRAM 4 | Thu, Sep 26 & Fri, Sep 27


Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet


World Premiere

New York City Center co-commission with Bard College Center for Indigenous Studies

Choreography by Cameron sinkʷə Fraser-Monroe


A.I.M by Kyle Abraham


Choreography by Kyle Abraham in collaboration with A.I.M



Rhapsody in Blue

US Premiere

Choreography by Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich



PROGRAM 5 | Sat, Sep 28 & Sun, Sep 29


Dutch National Ballet

Four Schumann Pieces

Choreography by Hans van Manen


Sara Mearns

State of Darkness

Choreography by Molissa Fenley


Gandini Juggling

Excerpts from Smashed2

Choreography by Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala

  • sukie 2024.08.29 09:41
    뉴욕 시티 센터 FALL FOR DANCE 축제가 다음 달로 다가옵니다. $30이란 저렴한 가격이 눈길을 끕니다. 무용단 명단을 쭉 훑어봤습니다. 대한민국 무용단이 있나해서 봤는데 없더라구요. 마음이 좀 섭섭했습니다.
    연간 2만2천여명의 관람객이 관람을 하는 대단한 무용축제임을 알게됐습니다.
    20년이상 전세계의 중요한 댄스 아티스트를 뉴욕관객에게 소개한다고 댄스 부문 부사장겸 예술감독인 스텐포드 마키시는 말했듯이 아주 착한 가격으로 가을 무용 축제를 볼수있어서 뉴욕 인근에 사는 특권을 누리는 기분입니다.
    특히 우크라이나 발레단의 '전쟁의 애가'를 보고싶습니다. 현재 전쟁의 와중에서도 무용단을 보낸 우크라이나의 예술혼을 높이사고 싶습니다.
    네뎉란드 국립 무용단의 슈만 작품 4개를 관람하고 싶습니다. 슈만의 음악을 무용으로 어떻게 표현했나가 궁금합니다. 이 축제를 필두로 금년 가을은 풍성하리라고 기대합니다.