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링컨센터 메트로폴리탄하우스 내 VIP 라운지 Keebler J. Straz lounge(구 Eleanor Belmont Room)이 보수 공사 후 9월 새 시즌에 맞추어 개방된다. 메트오페라가 디자인회사 엘르 데코(ELLE DECOR)와 협업으로 GACHOT에서 디자인했다. 이 라운지는 메트오페라 후원자, 기부자들이 이용할 수 있으며, 오페라 아티스트, 이사, 주요 기부자, 기업 후원자, 링컨센터 후원자, VIP 등을 위한 행사 공간으로 제공될 예정이다. 이 라운지는 1933년 메트이사회의 첫 여성 이사였던 엘리노어 벨몬트(Eleanor Belmont)의 이름을 땄다가 이번 개조 공사의 자금을 지원한 키블러 J. 스타즈(Keebler J. Straz)의 이름을 따서 개명됐다. 


ELLE DECOR to Redesign the Metropolitan Opera’s New Keebler J. Straz Lounge, Formerly Known as the Eleanor Belmont Room


Designers from GACHOT will reimagine the iconic 1,500-square-foot VIP lounge set to be unveiled this September


New York, NY (August 28, 2024)—The Metropolitan Opera has partnered with ELLE DECOR to redesign the newly minted Keebler J. Straz Lounge, formerly known as the Eleanor Belmont Room. The long-anticipated renovation project has been generously underwritten by Met Managing Director Keebler J. Straz, the youngest Managing Director on the Metropolitan Opera Board of Directors, in partnership with ELLE DECOR, who helped secure renovation materials, furniture, and other fixtures and fittings.


The space is designed by GACHOT, led by founders John and Christine Gachot, both ELLE DECOR A-List designers. The lounge, its official unveiling set to take place in September, will be available to Met Patrons and donors at performances and will also be a space to host private events for artists, board members, top donors and corporate patrons, Lincoln Center patrons, VIPs, and more. An inside look at the reimagined space will be revealed on elledecor.com, as well as in the November 2024 issue of ELLE DECOR, hitting newsstands November 22.

*메트오페라하우스 그랜드 티어(Grand Tier) 레스토랑 리뷰