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영화 '노예 12년(12 Years a Slave, 2013)'으로 아카데미 작품상을 수상한 감독이자 미술가인 스티브 맥퀸(Steve McQueen)이 9월 20일부터 맨해튼 디아 첼시(Dia Chelsea)에서 개인전을 연다. 스티브 맥퀸의 '러버스 록(Lovers Rock)'은 2020년 제 58회 뉴욕영화제의 개막작이었으며, 신작 '블리츠(Blitz)'는 2024년 제 62회 뉴욕영화제(9/27-10/14)의 폐막작으로 선정됐다. 시어셔 로난(Saoirse Ronan)이 주연한 '블리츠'는 제 2차 세계대전 당시 노동계급 미혼모와 9살 흑인 아들의 이야기를 통해 1940년대 런던의 다문화적 초상화를 그린 작품이다.


*'노예 12년(12 Years a Slave)' 리뷰 



*'러버스 록(Lovers Rock)' 리뷰




Steve McQueen


September 20, 2024-

Dia Chelsea: 537 West 22nd St. NYC


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Steve McQueen, Sunshine State, 2022. Installation view, International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2022. © Steve McQueen. Photo: Studio Hans Wilschut/IFFR; courtesy the artist, Marian Goodman Gallery, and Thomas Dane Gallery


For more than 30 years, artist and filmmaker Steve McQueen has continually investigated the possibilities inherent in film—as a material, a documentary tool, and a storytelling medium—resulting in work that is formally inventive and politically pointed. Using projected light and sound, much like a sculptor or a painter, McQueen situates his films and videos within installations that resonate on multiple levels, extending beyond the conventional frame of cinema.


At Dia Chelsea, McQueen will present a new work alongside a recent two-channel video, Sunshine State (2022), in the adjacent gallery. Sunshine State is displayed on both sides of two large screens, encouraging visitors to move through the space and view it from either vantage point. Opening with footage of a burning sun, the work unfurls clips from the musical drama The Jazz Singer (1927), the first “talkie” in the history of cinema, starring the famous singer Al Jolson. In a voiceover, McQueen recounts a poignant story that his late father relayed on his deathbed about a personal experience of violent racism in Florida, giving the work its title. Originally commissioned by the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Sunshine State, through its Dia presentation, debuts on the East Coast of the United States, throwing its eponymous connection to Florida into sharp relief.


Steve McQueen is curated by Donna De Salvo, senior adjunct curator, special projects, with Emily Markert, curatorial assistant.


All exhibitions at Dia are made possible by the Economou Exhibition Fund. 


Dia’s two-part presentation of Steve McQueen is made possible by major support from the Ford Foundation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, and Brenda R. Potter. Significant support is provided by the Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston; Marguerite Hoffman; Michelle and Bill Pohlad; and Salon Art + Design. Generous support is provided by Dia’s Director’s Council, and additional support by Sarah Arison; Ivor Braka Limited, London; Dorothy Lichtenstein; Tristin and Martin Mannion; Sotheby’s; Visiolite; and those who wish to remain anonymous.


A concurrent presentation of McQueen’s Bass is on view at Dia Beacon, New York, May 12, 2024–May 2025. 


The publication accompanying Bass was made possible by the Laurenz Foundation. Additional support provided by Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Paris, and Los Angeles and Thomas Dane Gallery, London and Naples.


Steve McQueen was born in London in 1969. Surveys of his work have been held at the Art Institute of Chicago and Laurenz Foundation, Schaulager Basel (2012–13); Tate Modern, London (2020); and Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan (2022). Recent solo presentations include those at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2016); the Art Institute of Chicago (2017); Museum of Modern Art, New York (2017); Pérez Art Museum, Miami (2017); Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester (2017); Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston (2017–18); Tate Britain, London (2019–21); and Serpentine Gallery, London (2023). McQueen has participated in Documenta X (1997) and XI (2002), as well as the Venice Biennale (2003, 2007, 2013, and 2015), representing Great Britain in 2009. He isthe recipient of numerous awards, including the Turner Prize (1999); W. E. B. DuBois Medal, Harvard University (2014); and Johannes Vermeer Award (2016). He was declared Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2002, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2011, and Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order in 2020.


McQueen directed the feature films Hunger (2008), Shame (2011), 12 Years a Slave (2014), and Widows (2018); as well as the series Small Axe (2020), an anthology of five films shown on the BBC and Amazon; and Uprising (2021), a three-part documentary series for the BBC. His documentary Occupied City (2023) is based on the book Atlas van een bezette stad: Amsterdam 1940-1945 (Atlas of an Occupied City: Amsterdam 1940–1945, 2019) by Bianca Stigter. McQueen won the Caméra d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival for Hunger in 2008 and an Oscar for Best Motion Picture for 12 Years a Slave in 2014.


McQueen lives in Amsterdam and London.

