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파리의 국립피카소뮤지엄(Musée National Picasso-Paris)이 10월 15일부터 2025년 1월 19일까지 미 추상표현주의 화가 잭슨 폴락(Jackson Pollock, 1912-1956)의 초기 작품'을 집중 조명하는 특별전 'Jackson Pollock:The Early Years(1934-1947)'을 연다. 잭슨 폴락의 프랑스 전시는 2008년 이후 처음이다. 폴락이 추상표현주의에 정착하기 전인 초기작은 지역주의와 멕시코 벽화가들의 영향을 받았다. 피카소를 연상시키는 미 인디언원주민 예술과 유럽 아방가르드의 영향을 결합한 양식의 회화를 그렸다. 





From October 15, 2024 to January 19, 2025

Musée Picasso, Paris 




Next fall, from October 15, 2024 to January 19, 2025, the Musée national Picasso-Paris will present its new temporary exhibition dedicated to the American artist Jackson Pollock. The first exhibition in France since 2008, it will be devoted to his early works, from 1934 to 1947.


The exhibition "Jackson Pollock. The Early Years (1934-1947)" looks back at the beginning of Jackson Pollock's career (1912-1956) marked by the influence of regionalism and Mexican muralists, up to his first drippings of 1947. This body of work, rarely exhibited in its own right, bears witness to the various sources that nourished the young artist's research, crossing the influence of Native American arts with that of the European avant-gardes, among which Pablo Picasso figures prominently. Compared to the Spanish painter and to the great names of European painting by critics, Pollock was quickly erected as a true monument of American painting, and in doing so, isolated from the more complex networks of exchanges of influences that nourished his work during his New York years. The exhibition aims to present in detail these years that were the laboratory of his work, by restoring the artistic and intellectual context from which both nourished each other.


The exhibition offers a tour articulated around several highlights of the artistic and intellectual journey of the young Pollock during these years of experimentation. By punctually calling upon certain key figures of his artistic journey (Charles Pollock, William Baziotes, Lee Krasner, André Masson, Pablo Picasso, Janet Sobel, etc.), the exhibition seeks to highlight the intensity and singularity of his work in its different dimensions (painting and work on the material, engraving, sculpture).



Joanne Snrech, Heritage Curator, Musée national Picasso Paris Orane Stalpers, heritage curator student




*천재 화가와 두 여인 <1> '미국의 반 고흐' 잭슨 폴락

*천재화가와 두 여인 <2> '잭슨 폴락의 구원자' 리 크래스너 

*천재화가와 두 여인 <3> '뉴욕화단의 팜므 파탈' 루스 클리그만 

*천재화가와 두 여인 <4> 폴락-크래스너 하우스 

*잭슨 폴락 회고전(1934-1954)@MoMA, 3015

*빵굽는 화가 잭슨 폴락 요리책 Dinner with Jackson Pollock 출간

*잭슨 폴락과 오네트 콜만과 재즈
