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휘트니뮤지엄의 특별전 '변화하는 풍경들(Shifting Landscapes)'에 코리안아메리칸 작가 마이클 주(Michael Joo)의 비디오 작품 'Salt Transfer Cycle'(1994)이 전시 중이다. 


마이클 주는 1966년 뉴욕주 이타카에서 한인 생물학자 부부 사이에서 태어나 웨슬리언대 생물학과와 워싱턴대를 거쳐 예일대학원 조소과를 졸업했다. 조각, 비디오, 설치작업을 통해 과학, 종교, 기술, 사회, 정체성 문제를 탐구하고 있다.  2006년 광주 비엔날레에서 불상을 이용한 설치작품 'Bodhi Obfuscatus'로 대상을 받았으며, 2024 베니스 비엔날레 한국관 30주년 그룹전 '모든 섬은 산이다(Every Island is a Mountain)'에 참가했다. 


'변화하는 풍경들'은 1960년대부터 현재까지 정치적, 생태적, 사회적 변화를 표현한 휘트니 소장품을 소개하고 있다. 이 전시는 2026년 1월까지 계속된다. 




Michael Joo, Salt Transfer Cycle, 1994, Video, color, sound, 8 min.



Shifting Landscapes


Nov 1, 2024–Jan 2026

Whitney Museum of American Art



Jane Dickson, Heading in – Lincoln Tunnel 3, 2003


While the landscape genre has long been associated with picturesque vistas, Shifting Landscapes considers a more expansive interpretation of the category, exploring how evolving political, ecological, and social issues motivate artists as they attempt to represent the world around them. Drawn from the Whitney’s collection, the exhibition features works from the 1960s to the present and is organized according to distinct thematic sections. Some of these coalesce around material and conceptual affinities: sculptural assemblages formed from locally sourced objects, ecofeminist approaches to land art, and the legacies of documentary landscape photography. 


Others are tied to specific geographies, such as the frenzied cityscape of modern New York or the experimental filmmaking scene of 1970s Los Angeles. Still others show how artists invent fantastic new worlds where humans, animals, and the land become one. Whether depicting the effects of industrialization on the environment, grappling with the impact of geopolitical borders, or proposing imagined spaces as a way of destabilizing the concept of a “natural” world, the works gathered here bring ideas of land and place into focus, foregrounding how we shape and are shaped by the spaces around us.


Shifting Landscapes is organized by Jennie Goldstein, Jennifer Rubio Associate Curator of the Collection; Marcela Guerrero, DeMartini Family Curator; Roxanne Smith, Senior Curatorial Assistant; with Angelica Arbelaez, Rubio Butterfield Family Fellow; with thanks to Araceli Bremauntz-Enriquez and J. English Cook for research support.



Robert Adams

Yuji Agematsu

Laura Aguilar

John Ahearn

Felipe Baeza

Firelei Báez

Melvonna Ballenger

Orian Barki

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Meriem Bennani

María Berrío

Diane Burns

Jenny Calivas

Carolina Caycedo

Enrique Chagoya

Tseng Kwong Chi

Arch Connelly

Agnes Denes

Jane Dickson

Chioma Ebinama

rafa esparza

Christina Fernandez

Teresita Fernández

LaToya Ruby Frazier

Dalton Gata

Aaron Gilbert

Martine Gutierrez

Keith Haring

Bessie Harvey

Lonnie Holley

Nancy Holt

Donna Huanca

Peter Hujar

Suzanne Jackson

Ulysses Jenkins

Luis Jimenez

Michael Joo

Sonya Kelliher-Combs

An-My Lê

Maya Lin

Miguel Luciano

James Luna

Guadalupe Maravilla

Hiram Maristany

Leslie Martinez

Patrick Martinez

Gordon Matta-Clark

Keith Mayerson

Park McArthur

Ana Mendieta

Amalia Mesa-Bains

Mundo Meza

Alan Michelson

Troy Michie

Joe Minter

Kenji Nakahashi

Martha Jane Pettway


Chuck Ramirez

Sophie Rivera

Alison Saar

David Benjamin Sherry

Trevor Shimizu

Nicole Soto Rodríguez

Anita Steckel

Michelle Stuart

Kunié Sugiura


Salman Toor

Rigoberto Torres

Theo Triantafyllidis

Artie Vierkant

Carlos Villa

Emmi Whitehorse

Martin Wong

Purvis Young


Sketchbook5, 스케치북5

Sketchbook5, 스케치북5