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뉴욕과 미 전역에 독감이 확산 중이다. 질병통제예방센터(CDC)에 따르면, 크리스마스 이브에 5명의 어린이가 사망한 것을 비롯, 이번 시즌 9명이 사망했다. 12월 15일-21일 사이 1만2천명이 독감 바이러스로 입원, 전주의 9천명에 비해 증가했다. 뉴욕주는 전주 대비 86% 늘어났다. 이번 시즌 독감 환자수는 총 310만명이며, 최소 3만7천명이 입원했다. CDC는 올 독감 바이러스 871개 중 842개가 A형 독감이고 29개가 B형 독감이라고 밝혔다. CDC는 12월 14일 현재 독감 환자 190만명, 입원환자 2만3천명, 사망자 970명으로 추정하고 있다. 



CDC Flu View

Weekly US Influenza Surveillance Report: Key Updates for Week 50, ending December 14, 2024


• Seasonal influenza activity continues to increase across the country.


• Nationally, percent positivity for influenza, the percentage of emergency department visits for influenza, percentage of outpatient visits for respiratory illness, and influenza-associated hospitalizations increased this week compared to last week.


• During Week 50, of the 871 viruses reported by public health laboratories, 842 were influenza A and 29 were influenza B. Of the 593 influenza A viruses subtyped during Week 50, 274 (46.2%) were influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, 317 (53.5%) were A(H3N2), and 2 (0.3%) were A(H5).


• Three confirmed cases and one probable case of influenza A(H5) virus were reported to CDC this week. To date, human-to-human transmission of influenza A(H5) virus has not been identified in the United States.


• Two pediatric deaths associated with seasonal influenza virus infection were reported this week, bringing the 2024-2025 season total to four pediatric deaths.


• CDC estimates that there have been at least 1.9 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations, and 970 deaths from flu so far this season.


• CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get an annual influenza (flu) vaccine.1


• There are prescription flu antiviral drugs that can treat flu illness; those should be started as early as possible and are especially important for higher risk patients.2


• Influenza viruses are among several viruses contributing to respiratory disease activity. CDC is providing updated, integrated information about COVID-19, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity on a weekly basis.



Flu season in US claims lives of 1,500 in US, including 9 kids: CDC

