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크리스토와 잔느-클로드(Christo and Jeanne-Claude)의 '게이츠(The Gates)' 20주년을 맞아 미완성 프로젝트를 집중소개하는 특별전 'Jeanne-Claude: The Gates and Unrealized Projects for New York City'이 2월 12일부터 3월 23일까지 맨해튼 허드슨야즈의 더 셰드(The Shed)에서 열린다. 크리스토와 잔느 클로드는 2005년 2월 23마일에 거친 길에 7,503개의 천으로 장식한 오렌지색 문으로 센트럴파크의 겨울을 물들였다. 이번 전시는 센트럴파크 설치물 도면, 축소 모형 및 사진과 비디오 등이 소개된다. 티켓 $10. 


불가리아 출신 크리스토(본명 Christo Vladimirov Javacheff)와 프랑스인 잔느-클로드(본명 Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebon)는 1935년 6월 13일 태어났다. 같은 시간, 다른 장소(불가리아의 가브로보와 모로코의 카사블랑카)에서 태어난 이들은 1958년 파리에서 만나게 된다. 직물공장집 아들인 크리스토는 공산 치하 불가리아를 떠나 오스트리아를 거쳐 파리로 망명, 23세 때 잔느-클로드 엄마의 초상화를 그려주면서 만나 결혼했다. 




Christo and Jeanne-Claude at The Gates, Central Park, 2005



영어도 불어도 못했던 불법체류자 아티스트 크리스토와 라틴어와 철학을 전공한 잔-클로드는 예술적 파트너가 되었다. 1964년 뉴욕으로 이주해 세계 각지에서 주로 천으로 건물을 감싸는 공공미술을 설치했다. 동시다발로 프로젝트를 진행해온 부부는 비행기도 따로 타며 누군가 사고사를 당해도 프로젝트를 완성하기로 했다. 그러나, 2009년 잔느-클로드는 뇌동맥류 합병증으로 사망하고, 크리스토는 2020년 자연사했다. 둘다 뉴욕에서 숨을 거두었다.   


이들의 주요 작품으로는 'Wrapped Coast, One Million Square Feet'(시드니, 1968-69), 'Running Fence'(캘리포니아 소노마, 1972-76), 'Surrounded Islands'(마이애미, 1980-83), 'The Pont Neuf Wrapped'(파리 퐁네프다리, 1975-85), 'The Umbrellas'(일본, 미국, 1984-91), 'Wrapped Reichstag'(베를린, 1971-95), 'The Gates'(뉴욕 센트럴파크, 1979-2005), 'The Floating Piers'(이탈리아 레이크 이세오, 2014-16) 등이 있다.



*크리스토의 미술과 마술 사이, 다큐멘터리 'Walking on Water', 2019



*Top Image: Christo, The Gates (Project for Central Park, New York City) (detail), 2004 – 05. Graphite, charcoal, pastel, wax crayon, aerial photograph, technical drawing, and fabric sample on paper. 15 x 96 inches and 42 x 96 inches. Photo: André Grossmann. © 2004 – 05 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation.




Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005. Photo: Wolfgang Volz. © Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation.


Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates and Unrealized Projects for New York City 

at The Shed February 12 – March 23, 2025


NEW YORK, NY – January 29, 2025 – Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates and Unrealized Projects for New York City opens February 12, marking the 20th anniversary of The Gates, the artists’ monumental work of temporary public art. Choose-what-you-pay tickets are available now with a suggested ticket price of $10 at theshed.org/gates. The exhibition will be on view through March 23 in The Shed’s Level 4 Gallery.

Installed in Central Park in February 2005, The Gates consisted of 7,503 saffron-colored gates adorned with free-flowing fabric that spanned 23 miles of pathways and transformed the iconic park for its 16 days on display. The immersive 2025 exhibition at The Shed brings the spirit and vision of Christo and Jeanne-Claude to life. It offers visitors an unprecedented opportunity to explore the couple’s artistic journey, rekindling memories for those who witnessed The Gates and unveiling hidden stories for new audiences.

“The Shed is a leader in innovative art and ideas and is proud to partner on this incredible look at Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s signature contributions to public art,” said Meredith “Max” Hodges, CEO of The Shed. “The legacy of The Gates is profound, having inspired many public art projects that followed. This exhibition allows audiences who may not be familiar to reflect on the work and find meaning for it in today’s world. This exhibition will create a rich media experience as well as an in-depth narrative around Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s impact. It showcases the grand scope of what went into bringing The Gates to Central Park.”

The first part of the exhibition includes original artworks by Christo, such as drawings, scale models, and components from the Central Park installation itself, as well as photographs and videos. The exhibition includes a virtual, animated model of The Gates on a large-scale map of the original project location, designed by technology studios Dirt Empire and Pixels Pixels. These elements guide visitors through the 25-year journey of negotiations and planning that culminated in the final project’s realization.

The second part showcases a selection of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s visionary proposals for New York City that, though never realized, reveal the duo’s ambitious and innovative spirit and their deep connection to the city they called home from 1964 until their deaths in 2020 and 2009, respectively. Altogether for the first time in the United States, these works will be presented through scale models and digital reproductions of Christo’s drawings, offering a glimpse into the creative processes behind the duo’s large-scale public art projects.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates and Unrealized Projects for New York City is curated by Pascal Roulin and presented in partnership with the Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The exhibition will also be complemented by an ambitious augmented reality experience in Central Park developed by Dirt Empire and Superbright and powered by Bloomberg Connects, the free arts and culture app. It brings a portion of the original experience to new, virtual life on smartphones and leverages technology to share the arts with new audiences. The experience will be along marked paths from East 72nd Street and 5th Avenue to Cherry Hill in the park.   

Additionally, both visitors on-site at The Shed and those who cannot experience the exhibition in person can learn more on Bloomberg Connects, which features bespoke audio, video, and text content about both the exhibition and other works at The Shed. Bloomberg Connects users can access information about the augmented reality experience within each of the Bloomberg Connects guides of the Central Park Conservancy, The Shed, and Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
