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하버드미술관이 작고한 동문 아트 콜렉터 필립 A.스트라우스와 린 G. 스트라우스(Philip A. and Lynn G. Straus) 부부로부터 에드바르트 뭉크(1863–1944)의 판화 62점, 회화 2점, 그리고 재스퍼 존스의 판화 1점을 기부받았다. 뭉크의 작품 142점(회화 8점, 판화 134점)을 소장한 하버드미술관은 오는 3월 7일부터 7월 27일까지 특별전 'Edvard Munch: Technically Speaking'을 연다. 


하버드미술관(Harvard Art Museums)는 원래 하버드대학교 내엔 포그 뮤지엄(Fogg Museum, 1895년 설립), 부쉬-라이싱거 뮤지엄(Busch-Reisinger Museum, 1903), 그리고 아서 M. 새클러 뮤지엄(Arthur M. Sackler Museum, 1985)의 3개의 미술관으로 구성됐다. 이중 아시아 미술품 전문관인 아서 M. 새클러 뮤지엄은 중국과 한국미술 전문 큐레이터 로버트 마우리(Robert D. Mowry)씨가 잘 알려졌다.


뮤지엄 전문 건축가 렌조 피아노(퐁피두센터, 휘트니)가 개조, 확장 공사로 2014년 재개관하면서 '뭉치면 산다'로 3개 뮤지엄이 하나로 통합됐다. 대학 미술관이지만, 약 25만점의 소장품 중에 티치아노, 보티첼리, 카날레토, 앵그르, 렘브란트, 세잔, 고흐, 고갱,  피카소, 베크만, 폴락, 로스코 등 메이저 뮤지엄 급의 걸작들이 많다.  http://www.harvardartmuseums.org




Edvard Munch, “Two Human Beings (The Lonely Ones),” 1906–08. Oil on canvas. Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, The Philip and Lynn Straus Collection, 2023.551.



Edvard Munch: Technically Speaking


March 7, 2025–July 27, 2025, 

Harvard Art Museums


Discover the experimental methods of Edvard Munch, who creatively explored materials and techniques across media.


A dynamic collaboration between curatorial and conservation experts at the Harvard Art Museums, Edvard Munch: Technically Speaking offers rare insight into the Norwegian artist’s innovative techniques and the recurring themes across his paintings, woodcuts, lithographs, etchings, and combination prints. Thanks to a transformational gift from the collection of Philip A. and Lynn G. Straus, the Harvard Art Museums house one of the largest and most significant collections of artwork by Munch in the United States, and the exhibition showcases roughly 70 works, including key loans from the Munchmuseet, Oslo.


Visitors are invited to explore Munch’s artistic process, uncovering his playful approach and fascination with materiality. He returned to some themes repeatedly during his lifetime, carrying motifs across printmaking and painting and demonstrating how a single idea can evoke different responses through shifts in color and orientation. In the exhibition, prints are displayed alongside the original copper plates, woodblocks, and lithography stones used to create them, providing further access into Munch’s experimental practice. Edvard Munch: Technically Speaking also features groundbreaking research that sheds new light on the artist’s techniques and processes.


Curated by Elizabeth M. Rudy, Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Curator of Prints, and Lynette Roth, Daimler Curator of the Busch-Reisinger Museum; with Peter Murphy, Stefan Engelhorn Curatorial Fellow in the Busch-Reisinger Museum.


Research in collaboration with Ellen Davis, Associate Paintings Conservator, Penley Knipe, Philip and Lynn Straus Senior Conservator of Works on Paper and Head of the Paper Lab, Abby Schleicher, Assistant Paper Conservator, and Kate Smith, Senior Conservator of Paintings and Head of the Paintings Lab, all in the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies; and with contributions from Cambra Sklarz, Diane and Michael Maher Curatorial Fellow of American Art, and Kacper Kolęda and Tai Mitsuji, Ph.D. candidates in the Department of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University.


Support for this exhibition is provided by the Melvin R. Seiden and Janine Luke Fund for Publications and Exhibitions, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, the Lois and George de Menil Curatorial Research Fund, and the Care of the Busch-Reisinger Museum Collection Endowment. Related programming is supported by the M. Victor Leventritt Lecture Series Endowment Fund.



*에드바르트 뭉크 사진전@스칸디나비아 하우스 

*절망과 고통의 캔버스@메트 브로이어 

*에드바르트 뭉크 판화전@내셔널갤러리, 워싱턴 D.C. 

*뭉크는 '절규'를 어떻게 그렸나?

*에드워드 호퍼는 에드바르트 뭉크의 영향을 받았을까? 

*스페인 독감과 화가들 <2> 구스타프 클림트

*스페인 독감과 화가들 <3> 에곤 쉴레 


*보스턴에 가면 꼭 해야할 것 

*하버드미술관 소장품 하이라이트 <1>

*하버드 미술관 소장품 <3> 한국미술 컬렉션
