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Cy Twombly 
January 23–March 22, 2025
@Gagosian: 980 Madison Avenue, New York
Cy Twombly, Untitled, 1971
Gagosian is pleased to announce an exhibition of paintings, a sculpture, and works on paper by Cy Twombly. The presentation opens on January 23, 2025, across two floors of the galleries at 980 Madison Avenue. Organized in association with the Cy Twombly Foundation, it includes key bodies of work from 1968 through 1990, including pieces that have never been shown before and loans from the Twombly family.
The installation on the sixth floor features a series of paintings that Twombly made from 1968 through 1971, representing a more austere approach than do the canvases of the prior decade. Produced during the era of Minimalism and Conceptual art, these canvases have often been interpreted as “blackboards”—their gestural flux breaking down distinctions between painting, drawing, and writing.
One work from 1968 features nested loops that cascade down and across the canvas. Inscriptions and numbers give the work a diagrammatic quality, while its dynamic composition recalls Leonardo da Vinci’s Deluge drawings (c. 1517–18). An untitled painting of nine panels from 1971 forms a sequence linked by accumulated diagonals and curves.
The installation on the fifth floor includes a series of verdant green paintings that Twombly made in Bassano in Teverina, Italy, from 1981 through 1986. Marking the artist’s exploration of color and the liquidity of paint, these layered, atmospheric works abstract elemental meetings of water, earth, and air. A group of these paintings is rendered on barbed quatrefoil panels, their format, palette, and evocation of landscapes echoing Rococo art.
Condottiero Testa di Cozzo (1987) refers to Titian’s portrait of the Grand Duke of Alba (c. 1570) with vibrant passages that paraphrase the Renaissance commander’s red sash, ruffled collar, and black armor. Twombly’s emblematic treatment of natural forms is furthered in a series of vibrant floral abstractions from the Souvenir of D’Arros series (1990), while a sculpture from 1983 exemplifies his engagement with materiality and gesture in three dimensions.
Five Day Wait at Jiayuguan (1980) is a suite of works on paper first exhibited at the 39th Biennale di Venezia and publicly reunited here for the first time in over forty years. Made in Rome, it was inspired by Twombly’s travels the previous year through Russia, Afghanistan, and Central Asia, and is titled after the city in northwestern China, on the edge of the Gobi Desert. Through gestural forms and poetic inscriptions, these works evoke observations of life, history, and culture in the desert landscape.
The exhibition is accompanied by two Gagosian publications: an illustrated two-volume catalogue featuring essays by Suzanne Hudson and Jenny Saville, and a facsimile of the artist’s book of Five Day Wait at Jiayuguan, originally published by Gabriele Stocchi in 1981 for the Biennale di Venezia presentation.
필라델피아뮤지엄 사이 트웜블리 갤러리
Cy Twombly: Fifty Days at Iliam(1978)
@Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2016
사이 트웜블리 Cy Twombly(1928-2011)
버지니아주 렉싱턴에서 태어남. 본명은 에드윈 파커 '사이' 트웜블리 주니어(Edwin Parker "Cy" Twombly, Jr.) 아버지가 시카고 화이트삭스의 투수 사이 영(Cy Young)의 이름을 따서 자신과 아들에게 별명 'Cy'를 붙여주었다.
12살 때부터 미술 개인교습을 받기 시작, 보스턴미술관 스쿨과 렉싱턴의 워싱턴 앤 리 대학교를 거쳐 뉴욕 아트스튜던트리그에서 수학했다. 1951년 로버트 라우셴버그의 조언으로 노스캐롤라이나의 블랙마운틴칼리지에서 푸학하면서 프란츠 클라인, 로버트 마더웰, 존 케이지를 만났다.  
1957년 로마로 이주, 주로 무채색으로 낙서와 서예 스타일의 휘갈겨 그린 작품으로 자신의 정체성을 구축. 말라르메, 릴케, 키츠 등 시인과 신화등의 알레고리로 해석되고 있다. 루브르박물관 갤러리의 천장화를 비롯 MoMA, 테이트모던, 메닐컬렉션(휴스턴) 등지에서 작품을 소장하고 있다. 바스퀴아, 안셀름 키퍼, 줄리안 슈나벨 등에 영향을 주었다.
1989년 필라델피아뮤지엄에서 사이 트웜블리가 영국 시인 알렉산더 포프(Alexander Pope)의 '일리아드(The Iliad)' 번역판에서 영감을 얻은 10점 시리즈 'Fifty Days at Iliam'(1978)에 헌사하는 갤러리를 마련했다. 2014년 크리스티에서 1970년작 흑판화 시리즈 '무제'가  6960만달러에 낙찰되어 작가 최고가를 기록했다. 
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Philadelphia Museum of Art
2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130
티켓: 성인($20), 65세 이상($18), 학생($14), 12세 이하(무료)/ *매월 첫째 일요일 오전 10시-오후 5시(*무료), 매주 수요일 오후 5시-8시 45분(*맘대로 내세요) http://www.philamuseum.org