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로어맨해튼 트리니티 교회에선 무료 콘서트가 열린다. 

트리니티 교회는 1697년 영국의 윌리엄 3세 때 건축됐을 당시 식민지 뉴욕에서 가장 높았던 건물이었지만 1776년 대화재로 소실됐다. 1788년 재건되었다가 다시 1838년 강설로 구조가 부실해지면서 철거된다. 이에 1846년 고딕 건축의 권위자 리처드 업존(Richard Upjohn, 브루클린하이츠에도 교회 건물 다수 설계)의 설계로 새로 건축됐다. 브로드웨이 측 청동정문은 당시 부호 아스터스 가문에서 희사해 설치됐다. 공동묘지엔 알렉산더 해밀턴과 아내 엘리자베스, 아들 필립, 처제 안젤리카 스카일러, 그리고 증기선을 발명한 로버트 풀턴이 묻혀있다. 트리니티 교회는 주변 부동산을 대거 소유한 부동산 재벌이기도 하다. https://www.trinitywallstreet.org 




2025 Music Season, March program


#Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:30 pm @Trinity Church (89 Broadway)

Musical Multitudes

A program of lush, large-scale choral works with Downtown Voices and Amor Artis


Experience two ensembles at the top of their craft performing together. Downtown Voices and chamber chorus Amor Artis take on a set of monumental works: Frank Martin’s Mass for Double Choir, a deeply spiritual and intricate composition; Thomas Tallis’s Spem in Alium, a 40-part Renaissance motet; and Orazio Benevoli’s Missa Tu es Petrus (for four choirs), featuring opulent Baroque textures and counterpoint.

Directed by Ryan Brandau and Stephen Sands. With Trinity Baroque Orchestra. 



#Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:30 pm @St. Paul's Chapel (209 Broadway)

Lenten Meditations: Remorse to Redemption 

Beautiful compositions for Lent and Holy Week


Trinity Choir leads the audience through the Lenten journey, from Ash Wednesday’s reminders of human mortality to the redemption of Christ’s death on the cross. Focusing on countertenor, tenor, and bass voices, this performance includes powerful, contemplative works by Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, Jonathan Woody, and John Sheppard. 

Trinity Choir; Thomas McCargar, conductor 


#Sunday, March 30, 2025, 3:00 pm @St. Paul's Chapel (209 Broadway)

Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden  

Trinity Youth Chorus sings a Bach masterpiece


Hear Trinity Youth Chorus take on the challenging and dramatic Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden by Johann Sebastian Bach. Accompanied by the period instruments of Trinity Baroque Orchestra, the young musicians perform Bach’s arrangement of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s famous Stabat Mater for soprano and alto voices, with text from Psalm 51. Trinity’s version is adapted to include the Trinity Youth Chorus tenor and bass voices.  

Trinity Youth Chorus; Trinity Baroque Orchestra; Melissa Attebury, director 

