뉴욕컬처비트 13주년 감사드립니다!
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뉴욕컬처비트(NYCultureBeat, 컬빗)가 오픈한 지 13년이 되었습니다.
2012년 3월 1일 뉴욕의 문화정보와 사람들 이야기를 공유하기 위해 컬빗을 시작했습니다.
2023년 6월 '한류를 이해하는 33가지 코드'를 출간했으며, 2025년 봄엔 영문판 '33 Keys to Understanding the Korean Wave: Beyond BTS, Parasite and Squid Game'이 출간될 예정입니다.
컬빗 오프닝부터 격려해주시고, 성원해주신 독자 여러분께 감사드립니다!
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What People are Saying about NYCultureBeat
"NYCultureBeat is a website quenching Korean's thirst for culture in New York City and a lot of people are talking about it. I think it plays a role like a little guiding light."
"I learn so much about NYC life in all cultural and entertainment spheres through NY Culture Beat. The articles show us how to live life abundantly, sometime just by reading about them. As a Korean diaspora, the stories about how Koreans flourish and contribute to mainstream culture make me proud of being a Korean. The Hallyu-33 stories presented unique and amazing angles of Korean culture like no others."
-Young Hae Kang, family counselor-
"Finally I found it!
At last, we see a new website. Not a copy of other sources, but written from own experiences, not for the tourists, but well-done pages for New Yorkers!! So, quickly I added NYCultureBeat.com on my favorite bar and visit every day."
-Misun Chang, announcer of Radio Korea, NY-
"I visit NYCultureBeat every day and browse many sections. Although I have lived in New York for long time, I still have many places I've never visited and many things I don't know. NYCultureBeat is my guide and I follow you to meet and taste the exquisite arts. I'm fascinated by your sharp perspective and delicate senses."
-Jeongki Kim, poet-
"NY Culture Beat is my best friend. It gives me source of happiness everyday. I am learning about culture and art from you. It's wonderful and amazing!"
-Elaine Kim-
“What a wonderful blog NYCultureBeat is! When it comes to New York City, NYCultureBeat tells everything. I will give the address to all the people I know."
-Kenneth K. Lee, CPA-
"Your blog is very well made and I'm sure it must be very successful. Thank you for doing a fine job with promoting cultural events to the Korean community and potential Korean visitors. I will try to promote your blog to my Korean friends."
-Yoon Jae Lee, Conductor & Artistic Director, Ensemble 212-
"Simply the best website about New York culture."
"Really the selective essence of the information about The City of Art, New York. I'll come by day by day. Thank you for the wonderful articles!"
"I have been waiting for a website like this for so long. Thank you so much for managing the website with such wonderful stories with high quality information."
"Thanks to your detailed good information., I'm enjoying New York better than before this whole summer. I love New York City and now see more of its beauty than before. I appreciate you."
-Uram Park, student-
"The best Korean language site I have encountered. I enjoy reading about Korean-American artists and culinary stars and interviews you have covered. I would have never known so many interesting stories if it weren't for NYCultureBeat. Wish I could share the site with my friends who can't read Korean as well."
-Artist Anonymous-