휘트니 ISP 독립 큐레이터 '키친' 전시(5/23-6/10)
2017 WHITNEY ISP CURATORIAL EXHIBITION TO BE PRESENTED AT THE KITCHEN NEW YORK, May 18, 2017—From May 23 to June 10, 2017, the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program presents That I am reading backwards and into for a purpo...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views968 -
스티브 맥퀸 '인박스(Inbox)'@MoMA(5/6-9, 2017)
Inbox: Steve McQueenMay 6–Summer 2017 The Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium, MoMA Inbox: Steve McQueen, MoMA Photo: NYCultureBeat The Museum of Modern Art will display Static (2009), a recently acquired digital projection of a 35mm fi...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2888 -
뉴욕필 앨런 길버트 마지막 콘서트
ALAN GILBERT SEASON FINALE: A CONCERT FOR UNITY New York Philharmonic To Present “What Is Cultural Diplomacy?” FREE PUBLIC SYMPOSIUM Hosted by ALAN GILBERT Moderated by FAREED ZAKARIA With Panelists YO-YO MA, DEBORA SPAR, KARIM WASFI, and IR...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3337 -
토요일 밤의 열기 'Warm-Up'@MoMA PS1
WARM UP 2017 Every Saturday, July 1–September 2, 2017 We’re proud to present this diverse lineup of more than 50 emerging and established artists—both new and returning—who will be part of our landmark 20th season. Be there every Saturday fo...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views904 -
알재단 2017 공모전 수상자: 고태화, 자비에 차, 우주연
고태화씨 2017 알재단 현대미술 공모전 금상 수상 비영리 미술인 지원단체 알재단 (AHL Foundation 대표 이숙녀)이 제 14회 현대미술 공모전의 수상자를 발표했다. 금상은 판화 설치미술가인 고태화씨, 은상은 비디오와 퍼포먼스 아티스트인 자비에르 차, 그리...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1804 -
MoMA 프랭크로이드 라이트 탄생 150주년 특별전(6/12-10/1)
Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive June 12, 2017–October 01, 2017 Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive is a major exhibition on Frank Lloyd Wright that critically engages his multifaceted practice. Wright was one of...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1533 -
그리스 도기 '베를린 화가' 특별전@프린스턴대 미술관(3/4-6/11)
The Berlin Painter and His World: Athenian Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth Century B.C. First Major Exhibition of One of the Most Admired Artists of the Ancient Mediterranean World PRINCETON, N.J. – The Berlin Painter was the name given by ...Date2017.05.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1509 -
링컨센터 페스티벌 발레 '쥬얼(Jewels)' 공연(7/20-23), 파리로열발레 박세은 캐스팅
Lincoln Center Festival Announces Casting for 50th Anniversary Celebration of George Balanchine’s Jewels with Bolshoi Ballet, New York City Ballet, and Paris Opera Ballet Five Performances Only, July 20 – July 23, 2017 NEW YORK, NY (May 17, ...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2054 -
최우성 개인전 'In-Grid'@KCC갤러리, NJ(5/18-6/9)
Choi Woo Sung: In-Grid May 18 - June 9, 2017 @Korean Community Center, NJ 뉴저지 한인동포회관 KCC 갤러리에서 5월 18일부터 6월 9일까지 최우성 작가의 개인전 'In-Grid'가 열린다. 이번 전시에선 사물의 재현에 집중하는 한국의 미술교육 방식에 많이 ...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1888 -
소더비 인상파,근대미술 경매 50% 상승
IMPRESSIONIST & MODERN ART BRINGS $173.8 MILLION AT SOTHEBY’S NEW YORK Bidding Battle Drives Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematist Composition to $21.2 Million, Leading the Evening Auction EXCEPTIONAL PRICES FOR SCULPTURE Deliver Nearly One-Thi...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views534 -
미영화박물관(MoMI) 엘리베이터 내 애니메이션 6점 설치
MUSEUM OF THE MOVING IMAGE COMMISSIONS SIX ARTISTS TO CREATE ANIMATED GIFS FOR ELEVATOR INSTALLATION The GIF Elevator debuts Thursday, June 1 with an artist panel discussion and reception Astoria, New York, May 17, 2017—Museum of the Moving...Date2017.05.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1890 -
MoMA 앞 도서관 53스트릿 라이브러리
피크닉과 독서? 탁아소 겸 영화관? MoMA 앞 공립도서관 53rd Street Library 책상 없는 계단식 휴게실(?)에선 음식도 허용된다. 개발 붐에 따라 2008년 철거됐던 뉴욕현대미술관(MoMA) 앞 도넬 도서관(Donnell Library)이 지난해 6월 8년만에 재개관했다. 비디...Date2017.05.16 CategoryPhotoBang Views5126 -
링컨센터 2017 아웃오브도어스 축제(7/26-8/13)
LINCOLN CENTER PRESENTS OUT OF DOORS 2017 FREE SUMMER PERFORMANCES JULY 26–AUGUST 13 Concerts including Angelique Kidjo’s Remain in Light, Rumer with special guest Dionne Warwick, Nick Lowe’s Quality Rock ‘n’ Roll Revue starring Los Straitja...Date2017.05.16 CategoryCulBeat Express Views784 -
ABT '휩트 크림' 캐릭터 퍼레이드(5/20)
2017 퀸즈 뉴뮤직 페스티벌(5/19-21)
Queens New Music Festival May 19 – 21, 2017 The Secret Theatre The composers and performers of Random Access Music (RAM) are thrilled to present the 6th Annual Queens New Music Festival taking place Friday, May 19th through Sunday, May 21st....Date2017.05.15 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1144 -
카티야 그로코프스키, 'The Furture is Bright'
Entrée/Encore presents Katya Grokhovsky, "The Future is Bright (in progress)" Katya Grokhovsky, The Future is Bright (One Fine Day), 2017 NARS Foundation is pleased to present residency alumna Katya Grokhovsky’s “The Future is Bright (in pro...Date2017.05.15 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1101 -
아시아 위안부 다큐 '나비의 눈물(Apology)' 인권감시영화제 상영
THE APOLOGY RECEIVES US PREMIERE AT THE 2017 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH FILM FESTIVAL The Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented June 9-18, 2017 with 21 topical and provocative feature documentaries and panel discussions that showcase co...Date2017.05.15 CategoryCulBeat Express Views472 -
아메리칸클래식오케스트라 2017-18 시즌
AMERICAN CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA 2017-18 SEASON CONDUCTOR THOMAS CRAWFORD LEADS 33rd SEASON WITH NEW YORK’S LEADING PERIOD INSTRUMENT ORCHESTRA The ACO celebrates Opening Night with Berwald's Symphony Singulaire, Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4('It...Date2017.05.15 CategoryCulBeat Express Views605 -
국제 뮤지엄의 날(5/18)
Launch of International Museum Day 2017 Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums. IMD 2017: Museums as tools for creating peaceful communities The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International Museum D...Date2017.05.14 CategoryCulBeat Express Views768 -
김선숙 펜주 노리스타운 파거스갤러리 개인전(5/1-6/15)
SUN SOOK KIM: Dreaming Stranger 김선숙 꿈꾸는 이방인 MAY 1- JUNE 15, 2017 Pagus Gallery, Norristown, PA 펜실베니아주에 사는 김선숙 작가의 개인전 '꿈꾸는 이방인(Dreaming Stranger)'이 5월 1일부터 6월 15일까지 펜실베니아주 노리스타운 아트빌딩, ...Date2017.05.14 CategoryCulBeat Express Views627