렘브란트, 신성한 조우@프릭컬렉션(5/30-8/20)
Divine Encounter: Rembrandt's Abraham and the Angels Dossier Exhibition Presents In-Depth Look at the Artist's Depictions of the Biblical Story May 30, 2017, through August 20, 2017 Rembrandt (1606–1669), Abraham Entertaining the Angels, 164...Date2017.05.14 CategoryCulBeat Express Views607 -
모건라이브러리 뮤지엄 데이(5/18) 입장 무료
THE MORGAN OFFERS FREE ADMISSION ON THURSDAY, MAY 18 IN HONOR OF NATIONAL MUSEUM DAY FREE ADMISSION TO THE MORGAN, 10:30 AM TO 5 PM New York, NY, May 12, 2017 — The Morgan Library & Museum announced today that it will celebrate the Assoc...Date2017.05.12 CategoryCulBeat Express Views580 -
클로이스터 여름 금요일 개관시간 연장
The Met Cloisters Announces Second Summer of Friday Evening Hours This summer, The Met Cloisters will again offer extended hours on Friday evenings. From Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend (May 26 through September 1, 2017), the Friday ...Date2017.05.12 CategoryCulBeat Express Views10500 -
미술관큐레이터협회 2017 수상자
최수앙 개인전 'Unbodied Objects'@두산갤러리 뉴욕(5/18-6/24)
Unbodied Objects Xooang Choi 5.18 - 6.24, 2017 DOOSAN Gallery New York www.doosangallery.com Opening Reception: 5.18, Thursday, 6-8pm DOOSAN Gallery New York is pleased to announce Xooang Choi's solo exhibition, Unbodied Objects, from May 18...Date2017.05.12 CategoryCulBeat Express Views911 -
오픈하우스 뉴욕 'Open Call for Projects'
Open Call for Projects The New ReUse in ArchitectureOpen House New York invites developers, architects, designers, engineers, and others to submit projects for consideration for The New ReUse in Architecture, a special series presented as pa...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views392 -
IFP 극영화 랩 참가작품 10편
Ten Projects Selected for the 2017 IFP Narrative Labs Earlier this week we announced the projects selected for the 2017 IFP Narrative Labs, our year-long fellowship for first-time filmmakers currently in post-production on their debut narrat...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views762 -
내셔널아카데미뮤지엄 그룹전 'CREATIVE MISCHIEF'(5/18-6/13)
CREATIVE MISCHIEF On view May 18 – June 13, 2017 National Academy Museum National Academy School The National Academy Museum & School is pleased to announce the opening of the 6th annual exhibition Creative Mischief. Conceived and curate...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1288 -
링컨센터 인권감시영화제(6/9-18) 프로그램
2017 Human Rights Watch Film Festival lineup announced (New York, May 9, 2017) – The Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented June 9-18, 2017 with 21 topical and provocative feature documentaries and panel discussions that showcase...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2397 -
뉴욕한국문화원 공모 당선 작가전 'In/visible: Things to be Discussed'(5/24-7/13)
뉴욕한국문화원 2017 제 1차 공모 당선 작가전 In/visible: Things to be Discussed 2017년 5월 24일부터 7월 13일까지 뉴욕한국문화원(원장 오승제)은 2017년 5월 24일부터 7월 13일까지 2017년 뉴욕한국문화원의 공모 당선 작가전 첫 번째 전시 <In/visible:...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1288 -
존 마이클 콜러 아트센터(WI) 뉴욕 팝업 아트쇼
Kohler Experience Center Includes New Gallery Space Featuring Works by John Michael Kohler Arts Center’s Arts/Industry Artists Jim Neel, Babel (detail); slip-cast vitreous china. John Michael Kohler Arts Center Collection, gift of Kohler Fou...Date2017.05.11 CategoryCulBeat Express Views707 -
강익중 불가리아 국립미술관 초대전(4/26-5/21)
강익중 불가리아 국립미술관 초대전 The National Gallery & Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bulgaria present MOON JARS Exhibition by IK-JOONG KANG 26 April - 21 May 2017 The world renowned artist and master of installations Mr. IK-JOONG...Date2017.05.10 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1528 -
줄리아드 새 총장에 데미안 워첼 임명
*줄리아드 학교가 34년만에 총장을 교체한다. 아스펜예술프로그램 디렉터인 데미안 워첼(Damian Woetzel)이 7대 총장으로 임명됐다. 1984년부터 총장으로 일해온 조셉 W. 폴리시는 지난해 10월 2018년6월 물러날 예정이라고 밝혔었다. Juilliard Names Damian...Date2017.05.10 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1115 -
소더비 뉴욕, 로버트 마더웰 컬렉션 경매(5/16-19)
SOTHEBY’S TO PRESENT Property from the Private Collection of Robert Motherwell & Renate Ponsold Motherwell A Treasure Trove of Works Tracing the Evolution of 20th Century Art, and Illustrating the Close Friendships among Many of the Gian...Date2017.05.10 CategoryCulBeat Express Views7187 -
링컨센터 미드섬머나잇 스윙 프로그램(6/27-7/15)
LINCOLN CENTER ANNOUNCES MIDSUMMER NIGHT SWING 2017 JUNE 27–JULY 15 New York City’s favorite summer dance party presents 15 evenings, featuring The Legendary Count Basie Orchestra, Binky Griptite, Loser’s Lounge, Harlem Renaissance Orchestra...Date2017.05.10 CategoryCulBeat Express Views962 -
아시안 힙합그룹 다큐멘터리 '배드 랩(Bad Rap' 개봉
BAD RAP- Opening Nationwide on VOD May 23 FILMRISE PRESENTS BAD RAP Premiering on VOD Tuesday, May 23 on all major platforms including iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu. Film’s VOD release timed to Asian Cultural Heritage Month (May 201...Date2017.05.09 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1283 -
메트뮤지엄 미켈란젤로 드로잉전(11/13-2/12, 2018)
Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designer to Open at The Met in November *미켈란젤로, 그의 코가 부러지지 않았더라면 Michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian, Caprese 1475-1564 Rome. Archers Shooting at a Herm, 1530-33. Drawing, red chalk. ROYAL CO...Date2017.05.08 CategoryCulBeat Express Views6109 -
황종명 개인전 'Vanitas: Jong Myung Hwang'@텐리 갤러리(5/16-30)
Vanitas: Jong Myung Hwang May 16-30, 2017 Tenri Cultural Institute Vanitas - Marriage, 2017, Oil on canvas, 29x36in each (triptych) Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street New York City is pleased to present Vanitas: Jong Myung Hwang,...Date2017.05.08 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2341 -
뉴뮤지엄 아이디어시티, 아를르 컨퍼런스
Forty-Two International Fellows Will Participate in a Five-Day Residency Program in Arles Leading up to a Public Conference on May 27, 2017 LUMA Foundation’s Parc des Ateliers, Arles Photo: Victor PiconNew York, NY…The New Museum is pleased ...Date2017.05.08 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1336 -
남헌우 개인전 Eye to Eye@레드망고, NJ(5/7-6/10)
남헌우(HuNoo) 개인전 EYE to EYE 2017년 5월 7일-6월 10일 Red Mango, Palisades Park, NJ Detail 뉴욕에서 활동하는 조각가 남헌우(HuNoo)의 5번째 개인전 'EYE to EYE'이 5월 7일부터 6월 10일까지 뉴저지 펠리세이즈 파크에 위치한 레드 망고(Red Mango)에...Date2017.05.08 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1516