안네 소피 무터 데뷔 40주년 카네기홀 콘서트(4/2)
Anne-Sophie Mutter and Lambert Orkis Embark on US Tour 40th Anniversary of Anne-Sophie Mutter’s International Debut 2017 Crystal Awards in Davos Honors Anne-Sophie Mutter NEW YORK, NY- Globally renowned violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter and her l...Date2017.03.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1448 -
뉴욕 팝스 34주년 갈라 콘서트@카네기홀(5/1)
2017 뉴욕 포토쇼(3/31-4/1)
New York Photo Show Photography lovers – if you are in or near NYC on Friday March 31 or Saturday April 1st , we recommend a visit to the 8th annual New York Photography Show. There you can meet dealers from the US, Europe and Australia who...Date2017.03.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1267 -
'깊은 슬픔' 세월호 인양...노란 리본 구름 뜨다
세월호 '깊은 슬픔' 수면 위로 하늘에 그려진 노란 리본 구름 사진: 김태연(원주시 단구동) 사고 후 1073일만에 세월호가 바다 위로 올라왔다. 깊은 슬픔이 수면 위로 목줄을 타고 올라왔다. 그토록 기나긴 기다림. 자식을, 가족을 잃은 이들의 마음을 어떻게 ...Date2017.03.23 CategoryPhotoBang Views843 -
뉴욕 아트 엑스포 2017@피어92(4/21-24)
The World’s Largest Fine Art Show, Artexpo New York, Returns April 21–24, 2017 at Pier 94 -Four-day experience featuring extraordinary fine art, seminars, live demonstrations, and more- 2017 뉴욕 아트엑스포 참가 한인 작가 & 갤러리 김정화...Date2017.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1217 -
핀란드 화가 헬레네 셰르프벡 등 전시회@스칸디나비아 하우스(4/29-10/3)
INDEPENDENT VISIONS: HELENE SCHJERFBECK AND HER CONTEMPORARIES FROM THE COLLECTION OF ATENEUM, FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY Exceptional grouping of 19th and 20th-century works by four Finnish artists on view for the first time in the U.S. at New...Date2017.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1810 -
플루티스트 최나경, NYCP 협연(4/7-9)
뉴욕한국문화원 '한국문화가 있는 날'과 퀸즈컬리지 '한국의 해' 기념 세계 정상급 플루티스트 최나경과 뉴욕 클래시컬 플레이어스 협연 재스민 리턴즈(Jasmine Returns) 4월 7일(금) 퀸즈 컬리지 레프렉 콘서트홀에서 무료 공연 - 4월 8일 뉴저지 모리스타운,...Date2017.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1593 -
MoMA 무료 온라인 코스 '스튜디오에서: 전후 추상화'
The Museum of Modern Art Launches Free Online Course, In The Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting, On Coursera NEW YORK, March 22, 2017—The Museum of Modern Art launches the massive open online course In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting, a...Date2017.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1035 -
미시인아카데미 갈라@링컨센터(4/19)
Meryl Streep, Meg Ryan, Uzo Aduba, and More to Celebrate Poetry & the Creative Mind, the 15th Annual Benefit for the Academy of American Poets at Lincoln Center on April 19 Actresses Meryl Streep, Meg Ryan, and Uzo Aduba; Grammy-winning ...Date2017.03.22 CategoryCulBeat Express Views917 -
발레 히스파니코 2017 뉴욕 시즌@조이스시어터(4/18-23)
BALLET HISPANICO ANNOUNCES ITS 2017 NEW YORK SEASON AT THE JOYCE THEATER FEATURING ALL-FEMALE CHOREOGRAPHERS April 18-23, 2017 World Premiere of Con Brazos Abiertos by Michelle Manzanales Línea Recta by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa 3. Catorce Dieci...Date2017.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views772 -
MoMA 전후 여성 추상화가 그룹전 'Making Space'(4/15-8/13)
Making Space: Women Artists and Postwar Abstraction April 15, 2017–August 13, 2017 @Museum of Modern Art Making Space shines a spotlight on the stunning but still relatively under-recognized achievements of women artists between the end of W...Date2017.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views879 -
더그 휠러의 '인공 사막'@구겐하임
Guggenheim Presents First Realization of Synthetic Desert by Doug Wheeler, Opening March 24 Guggenheim Presents First Realization of Work from Series of Light, Space, and Sound Installations Conceived by Artist Doug Wheeler in the 1960s and ...Date2017.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1277 -
소더비 뉴욕 사진 경매(4/5)
PHOTOGRAPHS At Sotheby’s New York Auction 5 April Public Exhibition 30 March – 4 April NEW YORK, 21 March 2017 – Sotheby’s spring auction of Photographs on 5 April in New York will offer more than 180 exceptional photographs that demonstrate...Date2017.03.21 CategoryCulBeat Express Views592 -
MoMA 남미 영화제(3/30-4/9)
Latin American Cinema: The State of the Art March 30, 2017–April 09, 2017The Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters Latin American Cinema: The State of the Art highlights exciting new voices in film from countries such as Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Pe...Date2017.03.20 CategoryCulBeat Express Views913 -
2017 메트오페라 성악 콩쿠르 우승자 6인
Six Young Singers Named 2017 Winners of America’s Most Prestigious Vocal Competition, The Metropolitan Opera’s National Council Auditions The winners of the 2017 National Council Grand Finals Concert: Kyle van Schoonhoven, Vanessa Vasquez, ...Date2017.03.19 CategoryCulBeat Express Views7058 -
MoMA 할리우드 스타 케리 그란트 회고전(4/5-5/31)
Modern Matinees: Mr. Cary Grant April 05, 2017–May 31, 2017The Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters, MoMA Cary Grant (American, b. Great Britain, 1904–1986) has always been described as a versatile actor. He possessed a keen wit and comic timing tha...Date2017.03.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views985 -
중국 삼례도( Sanli tu 三禮圖) 특별전@바드대학원센터(3/24-7/30)
Design by the Book Chinese Ritual Objects and the Sanli tu March 24 – July 30, 2017 Bard Graduate Center Design by the Book will explore the medieval Chinese book Sanli tu (Illustrations to the Ritual Classics) and its impact on Chinese mate...Date2017.03.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2767 -
모지선 개인전 'The Sound of Movement'@갤러리다르테(3/16-30)
Jeesun Mo: The Sound of Movement March 16-30, 2017 Gallery d’Arte Gallery d’Arte, 548 West 28th Street, Suite 328, New York City is pleased to present a solo exhibition The Sound of Movement: Jeesun Mo. This show will run from March 16th -30...Date2017.03.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views924 -
뉴뮤지엄 7on7 컨퍼런스(4/22)
Rhizome Announces Participants and Details for Seven on Seven 2017 at the New Museum on Saturday, April 22 Leaders in Art and Tech to Collaborate on New Creations New Site, SevenOnSeven.art, Made Possible by Premier Partner .ART, will Narrat...Date2017.03.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2159 -
City of Snow
City of Snow March 16, 2017 Park Avenue 5th Avenue 5th Avenue Madison AvenueDate2017.03.17 CategoryPhotoBang Views723