리버사이드갤러리(NJ) 6인전 'Visual Conjunction'
리버사이드 갤러리 그룹전 Visual Conjunction 2017년 1월 25일부터 2월 4일까지 뉴저지 해켄섹의 리버사이드 갤러리에서 그룹전 'Visual Conjunction'이 열린다. 참가작가는 박준, 전동화, 조성모, 승인영, 권종현, 김신효(Sarah Shinhyo Kim) 등 6인이며, 오...Date2017.01.25 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1311 -
DJ 김선익, 카이쿠오치앙 MoMA PS1 한밤의 뮤지엄(1/27)
"Only in New York can you find an event like this" —The Village Voice Night at the Museum Friday, January 27, 2017 8pm–midnight Tickets $15 RSVP on Facebook Experience MoMA PS1 by moonlight this Friday at Night at the Museum. In celebration...Date2017.01.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1589 -
보티첼리와 신성성을 찾아서@머스카렐리미술관(2/11-4/6)
Botticelli and the Search for the Divine: Florentine Painting between the Medici and the Bonfires of the Vanities To Open at the Muscarelle Museum of Art at William & Mary in February Botticelli Painting on View for First Time in United ...Date2017.01.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1280 -
스튜디오의 마티스@보스턴미술관(4/9-7/9)
"Matisse in the Studio" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Henri Matisse's painting, Interior with Egyptian Curtain View Credit Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Debuts Matisse in the Studio, Revealing Unprecedented Insight into Artist’s Mind Onl...Date2017.01.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2230 -
구겐하임 라이트 레스토랑 사라 크라우너 작품 설치
New Installation by Sarah Crowner Opens at The Wright Restaurant on January 29 (NEW YORK, NY – January 24, 2017)—A new installation by American artist Sarah Crowner will open at The Wright restaurant, located in the landmark Solomon R. Gugg...Date2017.01.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1828 -
2017 아카데미상 후보 (full list)
뮤지컬 '라라 랜드'가 제 89회 아카데미상(오스카) 최우수 작품상, 감독상, 남녀주연상 등 역사상 최다 부문 후보인 14개에 노미네이트됐다. 아카데미상 역사상 최다 부문인 14개 부문에 오른 작품은 '타이타닉'과 '이브의 모든 것'. 올해엔 무려 6명의 흑인 ...Date2017.01.24 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2180 -
피아니스트 한윤희 Theodore Wiprud's Miss Ellen Terry 세계 초연(2/23)@버룩PAC
Baruch Performing Arts Center February 23: World Premiere: Music Inspired by Art Pianist Yoonie Han performs the world premiere of Theodore Wiprud's Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth and selections from Enrique Granados' Goyescas. In additio...Date2017.01.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1833 -
뮤릴로 탄생 400주년 인물화전@프릭컬렉션
EXHIBITION MARKING 400TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF SPANISH MASTER MURILLO TO FOCUS ON PORTRAITURE The Frick Collection, New York: October 31, 2017 through February 4, 2018 The National Gallery, London: February 28 through May 21, 2018 Murillo, Se...Date2017.01.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1189 -
흑인 추상화가 잭 위튼 신작전@하우저앤워스(NY)
Jack Whitten Hauser & Wirth New York, 22nd Street 26 January – 8 April 2017 Opening reception: Thursday 26 January, 6 – 8 pm New York... Beginning 26 January 2017, Hauser & Wirth is pleased to present its first exhibition devoted to...Date2017.01.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views3166 -
모건라이브러리 제시카 루드비히 부관장 임명
THE MORGAN LIBRARY & MUSEUM APPOINTS JESSICA LUDWIG AS DEPUTY DIRECTOR New York, NY, January 23, 2017 — The Morgan Library & Museum today announced the appointment of Jessica Ludwig as its new Deputy Director. In her position, Ms. L...Date2017.01.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2210 -
세르게이 에이젠쉬타인 감독의 '섹스 드로잉'전
Sergei Eisenstein Drawings 1931–1948 January 7 - February 11, 2017 Alexander Gray Associates 러시아 무성영화시대의 거장 세르게이 에이젠쉬타인 감독의 에로틱 드로잉전이 1월 7일부터 2월 11일까지 첼시의 알렉산더 그레이 어쏘시에이츠 갤러리에서 열...Date2017.01.23 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1382 -
카네기홀 비엔나필하모닉 콘서트(2/24,25,26)
FRANZ WELSER-MÖST CONDUCTS THE VIENNA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA IN THREE CONCERTS AT CARNEGIE HALL ON FEBRUARY 24, 25, AND 26 February 26 Concert to Air Live on WQXR 105.9 and WQXR.org as Part of the Carnegie Hall Live Broadcast and Digital Ser...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1708 -
MoMA 여성작가전 'Making Space: Women Artists and Abstraction'
Making Space: Women Artists and Abstraction April 15, 2017–August 13, 2017Posted on January 18, 2017Floor Three, Exhibition Galleries Making Space shines a spotlight on the stunning but still relatively under-recognized achievements of women...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2621 -
링컨센터 프랑스영화제(3/1-12) 개폐막작 선정
THE FILM SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER AND UNIFRANCE ANNOUNCE OPENING AND CLOSING NIGHT SELECTIONS OF THE 22nd RENDEZ-VOUS WITH FRENCH CINEMA, MARCH 1-12 Opens with North American premiere of Étienne Comar’s Django, starring Reda Kateb and Cécil...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1479 -
뉴뮤지엄도 취임식날(1/20) 입장료 '맘대로 내세요'
Image: Pipilotti Rist, Open My Glade (Flatten), 2000. Installation view: “Pipilotti Rist: Pixel Forest,” New Museum. Courtesy the artist, Hauser & Wirth, and Luhring Augustine. Photo: Maris Hutchinson / EPW Studio In recognition of art'...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views7582 -
원월드심포니 'Defiant' 콘서트(1/22)
Defiant One World Symphony One World Symphony Vocal Artists 홍성진 Sung Jin Hong, Artistic Director and Conductor Ludwig van Beethoven: from Symphony No. 7 (1813) Margaret Allison Bonds: The Negro Speaks of Rivers (1942) Valerie Capers: “Wi...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1959 -
양정인(첼로) 활동 크로노스 쿼텟 잰켈홀 콘서트(2/11)
첼리스트 양정인(Sunny Yang)이 활동하는 크로노스 쿼텟이 2월 11일 카네기홀 잰켈홀에서 콘서트를 연다. KRONOS QUARTET RETURNS TO ZANKEL HALL WITH EVENING OF NEW WORKS ON FEBRUARY 11 Program Includes World Premiere of New Work by Rhiannon Giddens...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views1694 -
선댄스영화제 저스틴 전 '국(Gook)', 코고나다 '컬럼버스' 초대
한국계 저스틴 전 감독의 '국(GOOK)'과 코고나다(Kogonada) 감독, 존 조 주연의 '컬럼버스(Columbus)'가 2017 선댄스 영화제에서 세계 최초로 상영된다. Park City, UT — Sundance Institute convenes a full slate of provocative and agenda-setting indepen...Date2017.01.18 CategoryCulBeat Express Views2848 -
휘트니뮤지엄 취임식날(1/20) '맘대로 내세요'
THE WHITNEY TO OPEN ON A PAY-WHAT-YOU-WISH BASIS ON JANUARY 20 WITH SPECIAL PROGRAMMING NEW YORK, January 17, 2017—On Friday, January 20, Inauguration Day, the Whitney Museum of American Art will open from 10:30 am to 10 pm on a pay-what-yo...Date2017.01.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views996 -
이불(Lee Bul) 개인전@레만모핀 갤러리(1/12-2/11)
Lee Bul January 12 – February 11, 2017 Lehmann Maupin (536 West 22nd St.) Lehmann Maupin is pleased to announce an exhibition of new work by Lee Bul, who is considered to be one of the leading Korean artists of her generation. For her fifth ...Date2017.01.17 CategoryCulBeat Express Views5300